a little belovelive thank you.

here are four pictures from the bllphotochallenge this week. red: @instalollo, message:@murderingtime, hope:@rajdeepuk, rock:@das_brooklyn_maedchen
here are four pictures from the bllphotochallenge this week. red: @instalollo123, message:@murderingtime, hope:@rajdeepuk, rock:@das_brooklyn_maedchen. i wish i could post all of the pictures because they are all amazing. but, here’s a little taste. join in, and you’ll see how awesome all the people are.

it’s saturday night. i’ve got blankets piled up on me because it’s about 1 degree (fahrenheit) outside tonight. there’s a christmas movie starting on tv right now. and i’m settling down after a day of christmas lucia (more to come on lucia stuff in a few days… on lucia day) celebrations and family time with lina’s family.

but, before i get all wrapped in this movie, i just wanted to check in.

the first week of the belovelive photo challenge in december is over, and i must say… it has been an amazing experience for me so far! i am totally honored and excited that some of you have decided to participate. of course, i have had a great time hunting down the pictures for each day and taking some time to reflect on my photo/the word. but, it has been over the top awesome to have a chance to see what y’all are coming up with! i love seeing how you all interpret the words and i am so inspired by your creativity!

if you haven’t joined in yet, just jump in now. no problem! you can just pick up with the word for tomorrow, or today, or for whatever day you read this. after you take your pictures, be sure to share them. post them to facebook, or to twitter, or on instagram (i’m lizslens), or on your blog. if you are using instagram or twitter, be sure to use the hashtag #bllphotoaday so all of us can check out each others’ pictures. it’s a great way to meet new people, gain new followers, and find new people to follow. and we all love meeting new people.

well, that’s about it. i just wanted to take a few moments & thank those of you who are taking part in this photo challenge this month. i am so excited & overwhelmed at the interest. we’ll see what happens in the new year… perhaps i’ll make a new list. or perhaps it’ll be a community list where i ask each of you to contribute a word. who knows. but, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. we still have tons of fun, experiences, and photos waiting for us in december.

oh, and by the way, if you are taking part in the photo challenge, please let me know (leave a comment here or on my other social media places) and give me a hint of where i can find your pictures (blog, facebook, twitter, etc.).

for now, i’ll wish you a fabulous saturday evening and i’ll encourage you to keep snapping away! keep those photos coming!

i ran into a few strangers this afternoon downtown. i'm pretty sure everyone was out there christmas shopping their little hearts out.
i ran into a few strangers this afternoon downtown. i’m pretty sure everyone was out there christmas shopping their little hearts out.

i also ran across a quote that inspired me, based on my photo/word for the day: stranger. i thought it was just beautiful…

Imagine what would happen if you treated everyone you meet like an angel. I mean really… treating every person who steps into your life as sent by Heaven! Everything you experience would change, and the entire world would change as well. ~ James Twyman

peace & love.

0 thoughts on “a little belovelive thank you.

  1. Hej Liz! Vad gulligt av dig att dela min bild!! 🙂 Det är verkligen en jätteinspirerande photo challenge som fått mig att öppna ögonen för Instagram. Så tack!! 😀
    Hashtagen ska vara @instalollo123 🙂
    Stor kram från Ann-Louise

    1. Or.. I didn’t mean the hashtag but my username of course *trött söndag*

      1. awww! i am so glad that you have been inspired & are enjoying the photo challenge! that makes me so excited! KRAM! 🙂

  2. Such a lovely poem! Thanks again for posting my picture, I am very honored to kick off your first week reflections on the photo challenge! ^ ^

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