march photo a day: week 2

we’re almost in the middle of march! already?! in the past week there has been a touch of winter weather and a touch of spring weather.  and it’s been super windy… a sure sign that the seasons are in the midst of changing. i know all you americans out there have sprung forward to daylight savings time (how’s that working’ out for ya?), but here in europe we have some weeks to go before “summer time” begins. i’ve already begun experiencing the inability to sleep past 5:30 due to the fact that the sun is now rising that early. gaaahh. but, all of these changes = spring is just around the corner!

anyway. to the pictures! the themes for the day were pretty creative & weird this week. here’s what i saw…

day 8: window

 window washers at the mall.

day 9: red

 a red prayer blanket made & given to me by some amazing ladies in a church where i worked in nc, and the 7 things i would want with me if i had to spend 40 days alone in the desert/wilderness. a lenten lesson for my youth at church last friday night.

day 10: loud

the speakers were turned up really loud for the melody festival final on tv saturday night at work. we had no tv and were freaking out because all of sweden would be watching except us (since we were working). and then, we found it streaming on the internet! whew. so we watched it. at work. mouhahaha.

day 11: someone you talked to today

i talked to my mom on sunday. i love talking with my mom. i talk to her almost every day – we have an amazing long distance plan.

day 12: fork

 a monday night pub visit with my love complete with beer, fries, and a fork.

day13: sign

it was crazy windy walking home yesterday. so windy that as i started to cross the street, i heard a big bang, saw this metal sign tumble over, and then blow across the street. craaaaazy.

day 14: clouds

 whispy clouds outside my kitchen window this morning.

i couldn’t resist:  cotton-y clouds this afternoon.

there ya go. week 2. complete! peace out.

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