namaste, my friends.

today i am open to the presence of miracles.

DSC_0268today’s message from the universe (which arrived in my email this morning):

It’s perfectly normal, Liz, that when waiting for a really big dream to come true it seems like it’s taking forever, you wonder if you’re doing something wrong, and you feel like you should just be happy with less.

But I promise you, no matter how long it takes, once it happens it’ll seem as if time flew, you’ll wonder how you ever doubted yourself, and you’ll feel like you should have aimed a little higher.

Aim a little higher, Liz –
The Universe

namaste. peace.

0 thoughts on “namaste, my friends.

  1. Hello Liz!
    Happy to have stumbled upon your blog as I was typing up my own post about aiming higher and resolutions. It came up as a “related article” so I included it with my post–here is the link where your post appears at the bottom: Anyway, your photos are absolutely lovely, and I’m subscribing right now–look forward to seeing more posts and pics from you. (Especially love the idea of the monthly photo journeys, and I’m half-Swedish but have never seen the country in person, so that was also a plus!)

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