the last day of april & a challenge for may.

FINALLY!!! the weather has taken a turn for the better & there is an abundance of sunshine and semi-warm weather (= i still have to wear a jacket). my windows are open, my sunglasses are stashed in my bag, the blanket is out & ready to be used in the park tomorrow, and the sun is beating down from a brilliant blue sky. spring has actually arrived! and it’s right on time.

today & tomorrow are a kind of spring holiday in sweden… called valborg. it’s a coming of spring celebration with grilling out and hanging with people. tonight swedes sing in the spring with big bonfires. super fun! it’ll be my second valborg, so i know the drill this year, which feels good. the only crappy thing is that lina & i are both working = not celebrating in the same place or in the same way. oh well. we gotta try to enjoy the celebrations where we are. me with the church group out in the country; and lina in the city, working with the youth. no matter what, we can’t help but enjoy this weather!

 today’s blue sky & bright sunshine.

so, out with the old winter, and in with the new spring. woo hoo! which reminds me… here come the last 2 pics from the photo a day april challenge. love my instagram challenges.

day 29: circle. i love my funky, retro kitchen radio with all its circular knobs.

day 30: something that makes me sad. the continuing struggle for all people to be accepted & ordained in the UMC.

and now… presenting the photo a day MAY challenge!!! you know you wanna join in. it’s so much fun to be challenged to see something creative in every day. it’s kinda like a little gratitude, stop-&-smell-the-roses kind of daily discipline. it’s really good for the soul, i think.

wondering how to do it? well, it’s easy.

  • just read the challenge for the day and interpret it however you like.
  • snap a photo with your phone or camera
  • then post your pic wherever you want. on instagram (using your phone), on twitter, on Facebook, on your blog. on pinterest. or all of those places!

i have gotten into a little groove of posting everyday on instagram & pinterest, and once a week here on the blog. i may change it up this month & post a pic daily on the blog & then use that picture as inspiration for writing. i can’t decide, but you’ll find out tomorrow! for now, here’s the may challenge!

this month is gonna be fun. especially since i’ll be in paris for a few of the days!

happy snapping! peace.

0 thoughts on “the last day of april & a challenge for may.

  1. Have been enjoying following your blog and your pics, looking forward to more of the same in May.
    I’m no photographer but I am going to use the list as inspiration for short stories or little scenes and post them during May. maybe not every day as time is short, but when i can…

    1. that is so cool that you’re gonna use the list for short stories & such. i’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with! thanks for following. more pics coming all month long. 🙂

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