In my first post from our trip to Österlen I realized that I couldn’t share everything in one post. I have been so inspired that I need a whole series. So, here we are on my second post. Which was supposed to be for Monday + Tuesday of last week. Buuuuut, I soon realized once again, as I was preparing the photos, that even two days is too much for this post. Monday was off the charts. The amount of inspiration I received, the amount of magic + beauty + history I experienced… well, I’ll let my photos speak for themselves.
Monday morning

Österlenkryddor: Walking through lavender fields
I just had to visit this lavender field once I realized that it was a real place. We looked at the map and decided that it would be our first stop for the day. So, we headed off onto the backroads of Österlen and, after about 15 minutes, we were there! The whole place is a farm for not only organically grown lavender, but also other spices and herbs. There’s a greenhouse, a little store – where we most definitely bought some lavender honey, herb salt, and soap – and the fields. If you are in the area, stop here. It is beautiful, calming, and it feels like soaking in earth medicine.

Ales Stenar/Ale’s Stones: monolithic mystery by the sea
Our next stop was high on my list of things to see. I cannot pass up something mystical + ancient – and Ales Stenar are just that. They are a monument from the Iron Age way up on a cliff by the Baltic Sea. No one knows who or why these huge stones were placed up here thousands of years ago. There are many theories + ideas, and I seem to think that they are honoring the sun, the sea, and perhaps even sailors back in the day. But, I can just imagine sacred rituals and pilgrimages up to these stones… on specific days to celebrate something holy, natural, and mark a special passage of time.
I’ve had the privilege to visit quite a few ancient places in Sweden + Ireland + Greece. And there is something very magical about standing on the same ground, in the same sacred space, as ancestors of our global family. I feel such a deep connection to something old, magical, and deeply rooted in the earth. And a oneness with everything.
So, we trekked up the hill/mountain to the top of the cliff and soaked it all in. Touching, feeling, observing. So powerful + amazing.

The cozy medieval town of Ystad
After being inspired the medicine of the lavender fields + the magic of the stones, we needed food. So, we wandered down, hopped in the car, and drive 15-20 min to the old seaside town of Ystad. I’d seen pictures of cute, colorful houses flanked by flowers + greenery on cobblestone streets… turns out, that really is Ystad.
We parked our car on a random street in an available spot (they were hard to come by), rounded a corner and were met with exactly what I had pictured in my mind’s eye. It was perfectly cute. Somehow we’d also parked one block from the main street, so we had our choice of places for food. We chose an outdoor spot right in the middle of a square.
*Since we’re in the middle of a global pandemic, Lina + I made the choice to eat outside for all of our meals, avoid indoor public spaces (so, no shopping really), and never get close to people. Even in the middle of downtown areas.
We ordered + just enjoyed a long, slow meal. Discussing all of the magic we had already scene. Afterwards, with no agenda at all, we wandered a bit and stumbled upon a church. Of course, we went in. Hehe.
Then, we wandered some more, turning down street after street, discovering one cozy, old spot after another. It was picturesque everywhere I looked. Soon, we were thirsty (of course!) and stepped into a backyard brewery tucked in between medieval buildings. It literally looked like a little old square from Game of Thrones.

Feeling satisfied + completely inspired, we decided to head back to the airbnb for a slow, cozy night, making it the perfect balance of a day of adventure + rest.

I can hardly believe that all of this beauty and magic happened in one day. It truly was magical + inspired me in so many different ways. I cannot say what was more powerful, as all three places we visited, plus the cozy moments at our special airbnb, were all so unique. No need to choose, though! All of it was amazing + worth a visit – if you are interested and find yourself in southern Sweden sometime. Stay tuned for more in a day or so!
xoxo. liz.
Inspiring places in this post
Read all of my posts from Österlen –> here