Meditation is an essential way to ground ourselves
Journaling gives our souls a voice.
Each of us has a deep, spiritual core.
Each of us has value and a beautiful soul.
Each of us carries wisdom within us.
Each of us has hidden resources and strength within us.
Each of us deserves to live life authentically as ourselves.
Each of us has equal, sacred worth.
My role is to help you discover those strengths and resources, to help you learn how to tap the wisdom you carry, and to live the fullest, most meaningful, and most joyful life possible.
- Whether you are a person of faith, or not,
- Whether your faith is rooted in Christianity, in another faith tradition, or no tradition,
- Whether you are just beginning your spiritual journey or are well advanced along the way,
- Whether you are looking for a spiritual director for a brief season or for a longer time,
- Whether you come with a lot of questions, or don’t know what you want,
Spiritual journey/development
The purpose of life is becoming who we are
- There is no one right religion .
- we are not only body, but spirit as well: good, love, divine light, holy (created in th image of the divine)
- because of our spirit connection (breath), we are all connected. the same, and yet different. unique, individuals, like the various instruments in an orchestra. fully equal and worthy
- the divine is creative: no idea what the divine is (god, spirit, universe, cosmos, love, being), but all of nature/universe/cosmos/animals/humans are part of that creation.
- nature reflects and teaches us about life
- life is cyclical, not linear.
- mysterious, mystical, magical signs throughout life
- always include, never exclude (hood professor/six-means)
- life is a journey: constant growth + transformation
- Life is about being, not doing. Out of being, comes the action. What do you actually intend to do with your life? Why is it always about, “What will you do?” “What will you do? What will he do? Oh, my God, what will he do?” Do, do, do, do, do. Why isn’t the issue here who I am? Because, Maxwell, what you do defines who you are. No, Uncle Teddy, who you are defines what you do.
happiness/bliss/peace come from being who you are and living in the present moment
- It’s great to learn from others, but nothing replaces experience.
- Every morning is a new opportunity to create the life that you want. You choose.
- When our inner world is in balance nothing from the outside world can disturb it.
- Lao tzu : remain centered in the tao. The world would become a paradise all people would be at peace.