week 2: photo a day april challenge.

woo hoo! another week and 7 more photo challenges = 7 more tiny little peeks into my life. i am loving this challenge more & more. they say that it takes 21 days to form a habit, or to make something part of your life. in march, when i did this photo challenge, i must admit that there were some days that i found it to be a struggle, annoying, or i had an uninspiring day. but, now i’ve crossed that 21 day mark, and with each day i feel excited by the words that i see each morning, giving me my challenge for that day. i feel my creativity flowing and i am enjoying every second of creating a way to express the challenge for the day. there is no stress involved in this little project now, only a desire to create a photo and to have fun finding it.

ok. time for the pics!

day 8: inside your wallet – with this challenge, i decided to snap a shot of me moving back into my spring-inspired wallet. i love this wallet.

day 9: a younger you – i grabbed an old photo of me (at 3 years old) with my granddad at his retirement ceremony. he was a methodist minister (which i work as today) and i have always felt such inspiration from him, even though he died 27 years ago. i don’t know, i can’t explain it. there’s just a connection that’s always been there…

day 10: cold – tuesday afternoon, my love came home from work for lunch. she was cold, cold, cold. it’s april, but here in sweden, the weather has remained chilly and damp, leaving us feeling cold to our bones. during lunch, my love wrapped up in a blanket to take the chill off.

day 11: where i ate breakfast: i didn’t just eat a regular breakfast on this day… nope. i had 2 types of cake, sandwiches, fruit, and coffee. it was a birthday fika in the cafe at the church where i work. and it was yummy! the cafe…

the fika..

day 12: stairs – these are the stairs leading to my apartment door. you see, thursday was laundry day. so i climbed the five flights of stairs between my apartment & the cellar at least 7 times. whew.

day 13: something i found – a new app for my iPhone. hehe. it’s called tadaa, and it’s a camera/photo app. pretty cool filters, i think. i’m gonna have to play around with it some. here’s a pic of one of my windows.

day 14: how i feel today – i found this pic on pinterest (another addiction of mine)  this morning and it said exactly how i feel today… i just wanna get away from it all with my love. take a road trip. have an adventure. soak up life. anyone wanna come along?

the weather here has been so crappy this past week, as i said above. cold. rainy. dreary. ugh. perhaps that’s one reason why i feel like i need to get away and take a roadtrip. i have been in some serious need of some vitamin d. i mean, come on, it’s mid-april now. spring should be here. but, alas, it isn’t quite here yet. the trees are trying to bud, there are a few flowers popping out, but it remains cold & windy & rainy.

until today. it was still chilly, but the sky was blue, the sun was shining, and lina & i got ourselves out of the apartment & all over downtown. fika, a real estate expo (where we found our future apartment! fingers crossed!), wandered the streets, held hands, and enjoyed the sunshine. then it was time for some spring cleaning at home with the windows open; and finally a night at home to rest with my love. oh, i am so unbelievably thankful for the weather today… i needed the sunshine badly. thank you, weather gods.

how’s your weekend going? i hope that your weather is lovely and that you find yourself in the midst of beautiful moments. if things aren’t going quite as you had planned or hoped for, hold on and breathe deep. you are stronger than you think. and tomorrow will be a new day.

don’t forget to check back next week to see the next photo challenge installment! and thanks for reading!

wishing you peace.

0 thoughts on “week 2: photo a day april challenge.

  1. I love love love seeing these peeks into your life, and you have such a way with words. So inspiring, straight to the heart. Quite a talent that is, Liz. (: I think my favorite picture is the last one of your cat in the blanket. Too cute. (:

    1. Hehe. I know you love the peeks, Heather. 🙂 Thank you for your super kind words, it means a lot! Yes, Zola, is a cutie patootie. She’s really into sleeping under blankets these days. Hope all the work you had this weekend turned out ok.

  2. Nic, the apartments are built yet! Hehe. But, we’ve mailed them that we are interested in one of them. It’s really exciting, but we have no idea how things will turn out. They won’t be finished until 2014, but that could be just the perfect time for us to make a move. 🙂 xoxo

  3. I love the stair photograph also! You are becoming a better photographer every day and I always enjoy your photos! Can’t wait to see next weeks installment!

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