a wanderlust-filled home

in my dreams, my love and i travel all the time. we take off, with our computers in tow, for parts unknown. exploring the whole world, country after country. spending enough time in each place in order to get to know it on a little more personal level than your regular tourist. we spend some days exploring and experiencing the culture and country. we spend other days in our hut, or cottage, or rv with our computer open and keyboards clicking. my love, working as a freelance graphic designer, and me, writing away – on my blog, which makes me enough money to break even every month.

of course, i’m quite the homebody too. so, we come home for a few weeks or a few months in-between trips. but, since i’m a wanderlust, gypsy at heart, i want to have my home reflect my love of carefree, global travel.

in reality, i have no major trips planned for the near future (sweden in summer), so i am filling up my wanderlust soul by taking little day trips and exploring my own city, finding little gems and secret places hidden away. it is completely possible to be a tourist in your own city.

but, i also am perusing pinterest for ideas of how to bring my travel spirit into our home. there are so many ways to evoke a love of travel and different cultures. so many symbols and ways to capture that gypsy feeling. so, today, for travel thursdays, i’m gonna share with you my favorite ways to bring that global feel inside.


namaste. xx

0 thoughts on “a wanderlust-filled home

  1. We have artwork on our walls from many of the places we have visited (or lived). And most of our knick knacks are Swedish crystal or Dala hästar….

    1. we have quite a few swedish trinkets too. a swedish flag, some posters, and other little knick knacks. i love have swedish things around me. 🙂

  2. My apartment used to be basically 100% travel themed… Globes, travel photos, concert posters, trinkets from here and there, maps! It was THE BEST!!!! I love all of these photos! Love you and great post! Xoxoxo

    1. I can totally imagine your home with travel things everywhere. I wouldn’t expect anything less! I thought of you when I put the animal heads photo in. Hehe. 😉 I know, I am sooooo inspired by these photos to pull a little bit more travel-y stuff into my home. LOVE YOU SO MUCH!

  3. You must have had great fun putting these photos together, Liz! I especially like the second-to-last one; it brought to mind an old-fashioned passenger train lounge. If that had been me sitting on the couch reading, I’d have turned on something that made train sounds, to go along with the décor, and (with suitable Victorian novel in hand) pretended that I was a duchess traveling across Europe in the nineteenth century. 🙂

    1. And an old-fashioned tea set too. I know this is a bit silly, but I believe adults would have a much more lighthearted view of life if we played pretend every once in a while, just like when we were little kids.

      1. Not silly at all, Meg! I completely agree! What a great scenario you have created. For me, the image evoked a gypsy soul, wandering aimlessly across the US, stopping whenever to take in the view, staying in one place for as long as the feeling inspired me to. Then, heading off again, to the next place that was unknown. Unplanned. Roaming. Being. Meeting. Living. xx

    1. the travel clips thing is something i am planning to do on an empty wall i have. i love it!! glad you were inspired as well. 🙂

    1. this is incredible! i LOVE the cork board! i may just have to order one of those. 🙂 thank you for stopping by my blog, i am so honored that you like it! xx

  4. Oh my GOSH this is an awesome collection Liz! A delightful visual journey 🙂 and interestingly I adore maps yet have yet to be bitten by the travel bug. Having 4 pets and oodles of gardening commitments (a better word than addiction 😉 ) is my excuse but having the 21-yr old son living at home kinda negates that! So plans to visit Portland are imminent. Looks like an amazing area.. very green (in more ways than one!). Thanks for sharing this great post. Cheers, Gina

    1. oh, she is just amazing, that for the love of wanderlust girl! such a special person in my life. i’m so glad you decided to pop over here from her site! glad you liked the post. i checked out your blog and i am very inspired by your love of travel. can’t wait to read/see more!

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