you know, 2013 was a year of making dreams come true. but, more of that later when i do a few posts on looking back through the year. one of the dreams, though, is a recurring dream… it happens over and over again. and, because all of y’all have been so supportive and interested in following my dream of writing, i thought i’d share with you the next little opportunity in that dream.
so far, i have had the opportunity to write 3 fika articles and 1 food article for the mountain xpress (a grassroots independent newspaper in asheville focusing on art, culture, & local news). and i get paid for it! you know, i even get to keep writing for them into the new year…. my articles are an ongoing series in the paper. i guess you could say i have a beat, or a column. woo hoo!
my latest article, which was published today, was another opportunity to meet an inspiring person and share my experience at one of my new favorite cafes, filo (fee-lo). to get to enjoy fika and write about my ponderings, reflections, and experiences is humbling, and so much fun. all i want to do is inspire and encourage people to slow down in their face-paced, american lives so that they will be able to focus for a little bit on the things that are truly important in life… relationships, spirituality, connections, and peace. i want the idea of fika to spread, because i think it is such an important part of life.
there is something else that i am not sure that i have shared with y’all very much. you know, the fika blog and my articles in the paper have led people to begin to ask if it would be possible to set up a fika group – a time for people to get together, enjoy coffee, conversation, and meet new friends.
so, i went to the online website called “meet up” and created a fika group called “asheville fika”. and do you know what has happened? there are 43 people who have become members of this group!! 43 people in asheville who want to meet each other and sip coffee together. sooooo cool. and you know what, we’ve done just that! every wednesday for the past 5 weeks i have met with anywhere from 4 to 13 people, some new each week and some who have now become regulars. it’s freaking amazing! interestingly, almost every single person who has come to the fikas has been someone who is new to asheville, having just moved in the past few months, which makes for even more crazy awesome stories to listen to.
so, my writing keeps rolling on, and now fika is actually spreading and becoming part of peoples’ lives in asheville. what more could i ask for involving fika?!
anyway, i’d love for you to check out my latest article and let me know what you think. and then, if you like, give it a try (for all you non-swedes out there). have an intentional fika with yourself or someone else. and, if you are a swede, then know that this little american girl is fika-ing her heart out here in the states, doing everything she can to spread the love of this powerful, important part of swedish society.
now, grab that cup of coffee and click on the photo below to read my article. it’s time to fika!
to read my article in the newspaper click here or on the photo above.
peace & love. xx
Great article! And I’m so happy your creative desires are manifesting in such beautiful and inspiring ways. Go Liz!
thank you, thank you!! it feels pretty damn amazing. xx
So good. And my list of Asheville places keeps growing….
Haha! yes, you are compelling quite the list, aren’t you?!