How to have a mystical holiday – and take it into 2021!

A mystical quote to get us started:

“Theologians may quarrel, but the mystics of the world speak the same language.” ― Meister Eckhart

Happy Holidays, my friend! There is so much energy in the air that I hardly know where to begin! First, let me wish you a blessed solstice. No matter where you live, a shift has occurred and we are all welcoming a new season. For me, and others in the northern hemisphere, we have entered winter. Others of you have come to the depths of your summer months.

Wherever we find ourselves today, the energy has changed. In the north, the world is quiet, cold, and still. And, yet, the light has begun to slowly return as the days grow ever longer from now until the summer solstice in June.

While a light has appeared on the horizon, though, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We are deep in the mystical, mysterious energy of winter. Now, we are called home to pause and wait. Called to slow down and engage in the inner ritual of anticipating the rebirth of the earth, the coming of a new year, and the transformation of our spirits.

In thinking about the rhythm of the seasons of the year, since we have crossed the threshold of the solstice, we have also crossed over from the season of the witch and into the season of the mystic.

This is the season of transformation. It is a mystical time. A time of seeing and understanding the deepest of truths, of reaching higher + deeper, of allowing change to come + transformation to occur. Though it doesn’t look like much is happening… with the cold, dark, bare earth in the northern winter outside our windows. And, yet, if we still our selves just enough, we can intuit that change is occurring. There is a sense of knowing without really knowing. Our intuition is key to helping us discern our path forward. And there is a sense of trust in what’s happening beneath the surface + abandonment to the unknown way that lies ahead.

This is the liminal, translucent, spiritual time of the year. Mysticism reigns from now until the spring equinox in March. What that means is that this is the time to tap into all of the divine, sacred meanings found right here on earth. It is a time to connect with the cosmos, with our spirit, and to feel the unity of our oneness with it all.

Mystically, I believe that engaging in small, daily rituals and practices and ceremonies brings us closer to the divine energy that connects all of us. What I mean is that meditation, mindfulness, journaling, and yoga are practices that bring us closer to our true selves, which is the truth that lies within us all. There are many other liturgies, meals, fasting, silence, blessings, walking, cleansing that are also all mystical ways that our souls connect with the sacred energy that flows in + through us all. It is a glimpse into the Whole.

Mysticism, for me, is the embodiment of living a slow life. It is a contemplative, intentional, mindful way of living in connection with the magic of everything all around us. It is the wild woman, the contemplative scholar, the social activist, the prayerful monk, the busy parent, the creative artist. The way of the mystic touches all of life. It is both individual and collective. A quiet, solitary time that is infused with the energy + love of others engaging in the same practices + rituals.

With that in mind, I plan to use this season, the wintery season of the mystic, to sink into my old, contemplative soul. To live as a mystic… engaging in daily private practices, but also creating a folk collective with whom I can share this most sacred time of the year.

What I mean is that I hope to invite you to join me in a daily digital ritual for the first 10 days of 2021.

I’m calling it: 10 days of Intention

What it will look like, I’m not quite sure. Perhaps I will blog, perhaps send little letters here, perhaps post on Instagram, perhaps create videos for YouTube or a podcast. I’ll be spending these days between the solstice + the New Year pondering, creating, and preparing. And I cannot wait.

So, stay tuned, sweet soul. I’ll keep you posted as January 1st nears.

In the meantime, I wish you the happiest of holidays. Take it easy + stay safe. I know the things are so very different this year, but we will get through this. The mystical energy of this new season permeates even these tough times. We may not see or understand, but much is happening. Our souls + our spirits are transforming and evolving. So, soak in the holiday – even in these pandemic times – for there is a light on the horizon. Hope is alive. The seasons shift as always. And the cycle of life continues on.

All the merriest of wishes for a Blessed Solstice and a cozy holiday xoxo. liz.

Happening on Spotify:

I’ve got new playlists for this season. So, if you’re on the hunt for music, then just click on the links below to listen, subscribe, and download. Enjoy!

– Yule/Winter Solstice
– All of the Xmas music you will ever need
New Year Mood

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