Welcome to week 20’s songs:
Day 133: Saturday 13 May // Heart and Song – Taarka
I spent Saturday lazing around at home. Except for a run to the grocery store. One of the other things I did was search through music, discovering new artists. As I’ve said before, Saturdays feel like my sacred day with my love. So, when I discovered this song by this artist, it just felt oh so right.
Day 134: Sunday 14 May // Where You Lead – Carole King
For Mother’s Day, I thought it was absolutely necessary to use the song that is the intro to Gilmore Girls. I mean, seriously. When I thought of it, I was pretty damn proud. Hehe. Here’s a photo of my mom + my dad. A little selfie my mom took on this same day + sent it to me. She and Dad had taken a little day road trip for pb+j’s (peanut butter + jelly sandwiches) up on the Blue Ridge Parkway. They are the cutest + this photo makes me giddy with glee. But, seriously. This is where I get my slow living from. DOn’t get me wrong. It’s fun to go out and be fancy. But pb+j,s on the parkway, with family. the simplicity of it all… that’s truth.
Day 135: Monday 15 May // Stay Gold – First Aid Kit
I woke up Monday morning, ready to start the work week. Energized and inspired. And, as I stretched + began to move + found my way into the kitchen to make coffee, I suddenly realized that I had been having an intense dream. I remembered nothing about the dream except that my grandmother (my dad’s mom) and my granddad’s (my mom’s dad) brother (my uncle Boone) both told me that I was gold. That’s it. On separate occasions, and with no recollection of any of the environment around me, I saw their faces (they have both long since passed away)and they both said, “You are gold.”
I don’t know what this means, but I love it. Thanks, grandma Clyde and Uncle Boone. I’m letting the message simmer. If any of you have any thoughts or know of any symbolic meanings, please pass them on to me! I totally believe that dreams are magic.
Day 136: Tuesday 16 May //Same Old – The Honey Dewdrops
Ok. I have now decided that Tuesdays are my least favorite days of the week. And it’s not that I feel bad, or uninspired, or anything negative. It’s just that they are the epitome of regular, everyday life. But, it’s these everyday moments, strung together, year after year, that make up a life. Can I get an amen?!
Day 137: Wednesday 17 May // I Must Be In A Good Place Now – Bobby Charles
I feel something fabulous right now. I think the word just might be content. I feel content. Deeply content. I feel my purpose, I feel peace, I feel calm, I feel present. And, on Wednesday, I just felt it welling up within me as I was at work. Loving what I do. At at home. Sharing it all with my love. And all of the tiny moments in-between it all. So, yeah. This song is perrrrrfect.
Day 138: Thursday 18 May //Down To The River – The Duhks
Finally the weather made a turn back towards spring, so at lunch I headed outside on a photo walk. I took photos like a crazy person, creating + crafting art. Looking at the details, observing people, and all the while feeling a warm, soft spring breeze in the air. Some days the urban vibes are just amazing. All the people milling about, rushing about, living life. And yet, many people, on this day, slowing down just a tiny bit to feel the shift in the air. To see the beauty. To give thanks. At least, that’s what I think they were all doing.
Day 139: Friday 19 May //The Traveling Kind – Emmylou Harris, Rodney Crowell
This morning, I was so ready to get going + be effective. But…no internet. Gaaaaah. Instead, my morning became much slower, much simpler. I took my time packing in preparation for my trip with Lina this weekend to a wedding in Germany. I took some photos. I organized a few things. I watched a little bit of tv.
And, now, the internet finally on, I am getting this post together just before I rush out the door to the airport. Then, it’s celebrations, adventures, and a wedding for the rest of the weekend! Wishing you a fantastic weekend, wherever you are.
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xoxo. liz.
Great light in that first photo ??
Why thank you, Kyle!