well, after almost one full year, we’re on our way to the states!!! that’s right. we left the apartment at 04:00 and are on our way to the airport. meh. soooo early. then, after just 14-15 hours of total travel time, we’ll reach american soil! it’s gonna be so great to have a vacation and to see my family! looking forward to an amazing time!!! gonna just be with my love & soak it all in. e v e r y single moment. can’t wait!! i’m not sure how much internet i will be using, so just be patient… i’ll be back soon! until then, hope you have a great beginning of the summer!!! over and out.
enjoy! Enjoy every moment!
I love this picture… your photos have such a lovely coloring.
Thanks!!! I attribute all the crazy, cool colored photos to my awesome iPhone & the Instagram app!