aaahhhh… how amazing the weather was today! i slept late and woke to find the sun shining brightly. so, i opened the windows, made a pot of coffee, & surfed the internet from the cozy bed. eventually it was time to drag myself out from under the covers & away from the pillows and begin the day. first on the agenda: a clean apartment. lina and i turned on some music and made everything squeaky clean and smellin’ fresh. then, we went downtown to meet a friend for fika, grabbed iced vanilla lattes (yummy!!!) and muffins (yummy again!) and went to sit by the river in the warm sun. then, we headed back to the apartment for a quick tour for our friend, and soon we were off again. on days like this, it’s impossible to stay inside. you simply must take advantage of the beautiful weather whenever it’s happening. i think it goes back to that whole it’s dark, snowy, and cold for 5 months straight. when there’s warm sun, get outside! anyway, we admit that we now have a sunday tradition: beer at our neighborhood pub. so, that’s where we headed. but, we were about 30 minutes to early, so we decided to kill some time in a close-by park by the river. i know. poor me. more time in the sun. hehe. we joined plenty of other people who were relaxing in the green grass, soaking up the sun. enough time passed, the sun started to hide behind some clouds, so we headed to the pub. tried a new spanish beer, sat in some comfy outdoor seating, and talked about life… perfect. we ended the day back at home with some amazing halloumi cheese burgers and some time in front of the tv.
they keep saying on the weather that there is going to be thunder and lightening tonight, but it hasn’t started yet. but, i’m hoping for a storm to put me to sleep… cooozy. hope your sunday has been full of sunshine and love.
sounds awesome :)<3
I’m happy to have found your blog, you are very cheerful and sunny. I will be back more, it’s nice to meet you
it’s so cool that you made a comment! i love that! thanks for stopping by (i’ve dropped by your blog too!).