well, i gotta admit. i pretty much feel like i failed with the photo a day challenge this month. yes, i took the pictures. and i posted them on instagram. but, like last month, i was not feeling it. again. and i did not do exactly what i set out to do at the beginning of the month. ugh. i’m a little disappointed in myself, but i’m not beating myself up about it.
to be honest, if it wasn’t for the fact that there were only 2 months left in this year, then i’d quit the challenge altogether. how bad am i? or at least skip it. but, seeing as november is tomorrow, and it’s the month for giving thanks, i thought i’d give it a whirl one. more. time.
but… with a major twist.
i’m not gonna do the same photo challenge i’ve been doing since february. nope. i’ve been following fatmumslim’s photo challenge lists; but the other day, i found a different one. and it’s based on gratitude, being thankful. so, i thought that seemed perfect for november… the month that all americans celebrate thanksgiving & take a little bit of time out for giving thanks. so, why not do it through pictures? and why not give thanks every day in november?!
i’m looking forward to the change. and, of course, i invite you to play along with me. just imagine what finding something to be thankful for every day for a month might due for your attitude. sounds like a great challenge to me!
here’s the list:

i’m not gonna say how i’m gonna share my photos from this challenge, because i’m afraid i won’t follow through with it. so, i guess you’ll just be surprised and have to check back regularly. hehe.
as for october, i’ve made a little collage of my favorite instagram/october photo a day pictures. take a peek at the highlights of the past month.
so many memories. so many good times. beautiful leaves, cozy days, and candles & coffee. i got a haircut. booked a spring trip to china. saw the first snow of the season. danced with afghani refugee teenagers. watched debates live at 3am. walked in the leaves. snuggled with my family.
october, you have been really good to me. and now, it’s time for a new month & lots of new adventures! trust me… there will be tons to share with y’all next month. a few road trips, a play, and thanksgiving in sweden. can’t wait!
If I had a smartphone, I would be really interested in doing that version of the photo-a-day challenge. What a smart idea to do it based on being thankful!
well, you can do it with a regular camera too! just for yourself or share it on Facebook.
oh, so this is the way you suck people in ? you just throw a bone and then watch what happens? ha..ha..ha…Just kidding!
I think it is a great idea to post pictures of things you are grateful for.
haha!! oh yeah.. i gotta leave some suspense.
those are exactly the reasons why i discontinued the FMS photo a day challenge… and because I couldn’t connect to it anymore. My days were just so different than the photo a day challenge! Good job on finding a new one. Maybe I’ll go with that…
yeah. i just felt the inspiration get sucked out of the FMS challenge. no offense to her or anything, i just didn’t connect, as you said. but, i did find another one. i think it’s a little more simplistic, and getting back to basics is what i wanted. i had become so obsessed with being artsy, that i stopped just enjoying & seeing the beauty of the moment. so, maybe this month will be a little different!
and for december… i am toying with the idea of creating my own list.