last week i started a series on the 18 rules of living by the dalai lama. i am using his inspiring words as my guide for the wisdom in my wednesday posts from now until june. i want to tap into the amazing philosophy of the dalai lama and take a little time to think about each one of the rules, one at a time, letting it all really sink in. perhaps i’ll find a photo to go along with the rule for the week. or write a little anecdote from my life. who knows… i will just let the quote/rule inspire me.
i’m not going to do the 18 rules in the order that you always find them, but instead, i ‘m going to pick numbers out of a bowl or ask someone to choose a number to determine which rule to use that week.
this week’s random rule:
#8: spend some time alone every day.
i was a little disappointed when my loved picked this rule out of the breaking bad mug where i have them all folded and stored. i mean, i’m all for making sure that we spend time alone. i am in complete agreement that having a little bit of time every day to ourselves, craving out a little bit of space to do what we love, helps us to nurture our soul. but, that’s just the problem. i’m all for it. i write about it or elude to it all of the time. and i actually incorporate this into my life every day. this is something i am pretty good at.
so, instead of writing even more than i already have on this very important, essential part of life, i am going to offer you a fun top ten list:
my top ten ways to spend time alone (in no particular order):
1. driving
2. exploring a new place in a familiar place
3. meditating
4. standing on a mountaintop or by the ocean’s edge
5. stealing a few moments at a cafe/coffeehouse
6. sitting outside early in the morning
7. vegging in front of the tv
8. blogging
9. making playlists
10. photographing any & everything
ultimately i love sharing all of these things with my love and other friends/family. things are much better when shared… because life really is all about relationships. but, those few moments that i steal away to myself, they rejuvenate me. i may be camping or driving or exploring with a loved one, but you can be sure that i will step aside or away for just a minute or two. to catch my breath and suspend time briefly. to breathe it all in and be completely present in the moment. and those alone moments, my friend, are the moments that keep me grounded.
now, go sit by yourself for just a minute. be your own best friend and reconnect with your soul. the dalai lama says so.
I absolutely loved this post! I love that you did this, and I’m with you on a lot of the methods of being alone! Driving, blogging, cafes and early mornings outside are my favorites! Xoxoxo
Oh, thank you so much! It means so much to me that what I write or post touches you in some way. And, yes, we definitely have some things in common. Love!! xoxo
I have badly neglected to some extent the amount of time I spend alone; through no reason other than I rarely am alone now! Gemma and I have v similar working / waking patterns, and cram a lot into our one day off, so often are always together/with staff at work. However, if I think about it, yes there are still snatched moments, and they are still great – it’s true it refreshed you almost! I do miss in a way the more extended time alone, but I guess now when I get them, I relish them even more!
Ps. I love the #2 – a new place in a familiar place – that’s the best and easiest place/way to start scratching the holiday /travel itch!!
Pss. We’re going to head over to Copenhagen again this year (hopefully in a warmer month!) and I really want to dart over to Sweden – Malmo – for a day – would you recommend it for a day trip? Or are we best off staying for a couple of days if we can stretch to a hotel?
You are the bomb-diggedy with comments, Holly! I love how you leave and comment and process your own thoughts throughout what you write. It’s just awesome!
It’s just crazy when you are completely in love and want to spend every single moment together with your love, and yet, want/need to find time alone too. You don’t want to be alone because all you want to do is be with her. Oh, what a conundrum! But, what a great one to have.
Oh, Copenhagen! I am dying to get back there soon. I would definitely try to spend a night when visiting Malmö – it is a really, really great city!
This is beautiful (and quite insparational!!) . Time alone allows a person to reconnect with one’s self and I think I’ll follow this advice. Thank you! Wonderful post!
Thank you so much Nicole!! I’m so glad it inspired you. Let me know if you do try to spend some time alone and how it goes! xx
I can only speak for myself, but this happens to be the most important thing I can do because I use the time to listen to my soul and my heart – without distractions. And every time I listen I become a little more clear on what I need to do and I simultaneously gain a little more strength in order to execute these things. It’s so hard to make time when I live any kind of semi-normal life (defined as something other than traveling around the country by yourself I guess) but it’s always worth it when I do