since i posted the other day that we are supposed to focus on ourselves, that life is all about me (and your life is all about you), i thought i’d keep the same self-centered theme going today. wink wink.
i’m also thinking that since it’s the weekend, i should have a little fun with this blog post today.
so, i’ve copied a list of 31 questions from lina’s blog, who copied it from another blog, and so on. it’s nothing heavy. just light + breezy + silly. a chance to let you get to know me a bit more. think of it as a random interview about random little things.
and should you be interested + have a blog of your own + would like to spend a few minutes making it all about you, feel free to copy the questions and do your own little fun post for the weekend. i’d love to read about you! here we go!
1. Where’s your cellphone? It’s stuffed under the pillow beside me on the sofa. It often is beside me, then somehow magically slides away + under the pillow. But, all of my notifications are turned off + it’s on silent, so I often forget it’s there. I’m in the midst of a self-imposed challenge of learning to step back/away from having my phone available constantly.
2. Where’s your second half? She’s sitting beside me on the sofa. We’re both geeking out on blogging stuff. It’s Saturday morning + we’re doing what we love.
3. Your hair? Down, messy, flat, slept on.
4. Your mood? My overall mood is relaxed + and peaceful. I mean, it’s Saturday! I feel so grateful + blessed by so much. I feel so strong + secure in myself right now. So empowered. I do have a lot on my mind, knowing that things are changing in our life right now, speeding up. But in good ways, I believe. Still, things are going to be different. Life is changing, moving on. Exciting + scary + meant to be.
5. Your plan for today? I have no plans at all for today + tomorrow. We’ve discussed going down to the basement + making the summer/autumn clothing switch. We’ve also discussed making our next vlog. It’s been way too long. But, nothing at all is planned. And that feels amazing!
6. What’s the best you know? The best I know… this is so hard. There are many things that take my breath away. Standing on the top of a mountain in NC. Riding the waves in a boat in the open sea. Holiday dinners. Christmas morning. Drinking a beer at a local pub. Walking the streets of a new city, snapping photos everywhere. Reynolds beach week. Trees. Snow days. Driving with the windows down. Sunday mornings in bed with coffee, computers, + my love. Balconies. Cathedrals. Camping. Mexican food. I could go on…
7. Your dream last night? I can’t remember one thing. I woke up late (8 am is late for me) and felt completely rested. Soooooo nice.
8. Your goal in life? To inspire others through images + words. To travel the world, meet people, teach people, and create peace. To live in both Sweden and the States equally. To share it all with my Lina.
9. The room you’re in? I’m comfy on the sofa in our living room in Uppsala, Sweden. I just looooove our sofa. The warm morning sun is streaming in, so much so that my love just pulled the blinds down + cracked the window.
10. Your hobby? Is photography my hobby or my work? It used to be my hobby, but I am making a transition. So, for now, brewing beer/tasting beer and all things coffee. These are my current hobbies. Mmmm!
11. Your fear? Not living life to the fullest. Settling. Not being authentic.
12. Where would you like to be in six years? Literally, six year from today it’ll September 2021 and I’ll be 46. I’d love to be in NC. I’d love to be tucked away in our own little tiny house cabin in the woods until Thanksgiving. Writing, photographing, coaching, working online, visiting friends + family, planning our next trip, which of course would be my next assignment for my next book.
13. Where were you yesterday evening? Home on the couch the whole evening, finishing up a Back to the Future marathon. Hehe.
14. What are you not? I am not a sporty girl.
15. Something you wish? I wish that we could be in Asheville this autumn.
16. Where did you grow up? North Carolina, USA
17. What was the last thing you did? Woke up, washed the dishes, and brewed a pot of coffee.
18. Your clothes? A blue t-shirt from an old college job (I was a summer camp counselor) and cozy pants = pjs.
19. Your TV? We bought the tv we have from the chick who’s apartment we are renting. It was already on the wall, so that made it easy. But, it’s not very big. Ok for now. However, we are movie/series lovers, so one day we will get a big ass tv.
20. Your pet? Sweet little social Zola who loves to sleep in the sun, on a pillow, or under tents that we build for her.
21. Your computer? Macbook Air. And I love it. Though the new MacBooks look amazing. Just sayin’.
22. The best thing you own? My iPhone, camera, moleskin journals, and computer.
23. Do you miss anyone? Do I ever?! I miss my family in the States like crazy. I miss American friends + soul mates from all over the world that I don’t see that often.
24. Your car? We have no car now. It’s nice to walk + cycle everywhere. And I totally love taking trains. But, I’m a heavy-footed, car lovin’ girl. Driving is so much fun to me. Always has been. And it symbolizes a sense of freedom that I miss when I don’t have a car. I’m so gonna have a Jeep Wrangler again one day. Yep.
25. Something you’re not wearing? Makeup
26. Favorite store? Weekday (a Swedish clothing store). Target. Greenlife. Vintage/hippie stores. Any independent little funky place. I try not to be a huge fan of chains, but I’m not perfect.
27. Your summer? We stayed in Sweden all summer, but we still acted like tourists. We had 3 visitors at different times, including my brother, so we showed them all the best of Uppsala, Norrköping, and Stockholm. But, when we were on our own, during our vacation weeks, Lina and I did our own adventuring, with a week in the archipelago, a few day trips, and a few Airbnb weekends in Stockholm. Plus an amazing Pride parade experience and just enjoying Uppsala. It was a fantastic summer.
28. Do you love anyone? My amazing wife, Lina. (see the photos above. hehe.)
photo from unsplash
29. Favorite color? Oooo… it changes with the day. I once drove about 12 teenagers out to Wyoming to an Indian reservation to do volunteer work for a week. One night, as we drove back from a local pow wow (Indian ceremony), the sunset over the plains and mountains was incredible. I pointed it out to all of my kids, telling them to just take a moment and soak in the beauty of the wild, open west. One of the kids said,”That is my favorite color today.”” What color?”, I asked. And he pointed outside to the reds, oranges, pinks, purples, blues, and yellows. He pointed to the sunset. To everything that we could see stretched out before us. I have never thought about my favorite color in the same way… everyday since that evening in Wyoming about 10 years ago, I now discover my favorite color of the day. Every day. Though I always love green.
30. When did you laugh last? Yesterday.
31. When did you cry last? Tuesday during my meditation training class. No idea why. Just got emotional.
ok. ok. copy + paste this to your blog. share some of who you are with me! happy weekend, lovelies!
liz xoxo
Oooh I like the mix of questions. I will be copying and pasting these for my blog too. I love love love that story about having a favorite color of the day and how that idea came to you. What a moment. Beautiful story and notion.
Yay! Great! So glad that you’re gonna join in.
Happy writing to you this week!
I so enjoyed this- I love lists as a way of getting to know people. I, too, loved the description of the sunset as the favorite color of the day. I’ve always thought to myself that sunset is my favorite color- but that’s not something many people understand or take seriously. I’ve copied and pasted these questions for my latest blog entry as a way to kick-start my writing. Time to get back into the swing of things!
Hi Rachel! What super fun that you have joined in and shared the list too! Good luck with the writing – sending you lots of positive energy + inspirational vibes. I so look forward to reading whatever you have to share! xoxo
I love this – the funny and serious. “I am not a sporty girl” – haha nor me! Love the photo of you and Lina – her facing looking out, you looking in – perfect
Great post, but I love questions, so that’s no surprise!
Thanks thank thanks! So, are you gonna be able to squeeze in a little time to copy and paste this to your blog?!
This was so much fun to read! I just found your blog, and I really like it. I’m in awe of everyone who takes their dreams and makes them into reality. So inspirational!
Your vision of where you want to be in 6 years is beautiful, so perfect!
I, too, copied the questions and did a post, it’s here if you want to take a look:
So nice to meet you!
xo Miriam
I do not know of a good easy place to start a blog. Years ago I could not figure out how to use WordPress. I guess I could try again. I’ve wanted a nice looking blog for a while. I like the simplicity of yours, Liz. Also, your answers to the questions here were wonderful! I’m not sure I could do as well. I certainly don’t have the pictures. I really wished I had my camera today. I could have taken a beautiful one of the Blue Ridge Mtns. It’s overcast here today and the clouds were just above and beyond the mtns. They appeared to be the same blue-ish colors of the mtns. So pretty! Thanks for another great post!
I would say that is the best place to start. Once you set up your account, they have some basic templates that you can choose from. Lots of simple, clean-looking ones. And then, you don’t have to do so much to set it up. As for what you do with it, it’s all about what you want and what you feel. When I started my blog, I did it only for me. It was just a place that I could have my diary, sort of, except on the internet. I absolutely believe that you could have and enjoy a great blog! I would be more than happy to try ot help you some through the process, if you want. Thank you so much for reading! xoxo