I’m bringing back my weekly post series – and I couldn’t be happier. Last year I didn’t do a weekly roundup post, and turns out, I missed it terribly. So 2018 is the year of the comeback. And I cannot wait to get started with the first one. So, let’s get started right now with week one of 2018!
And it’s most definitely holiday + American-themed. Equal: lots of photos from our holiday trip to see my family in the States. So, are you ready for the super long first weekly series post of 2018? Here we go!
From the last few hours of 2017 to New Years celebrations to quiet moments to sharing meals to family chats to frozen lakes to lots of beer… this is what went down during the week that was the first one.
NEW YEAR’S EVE: Lina and I headed to my brother’s place in Asheville to hang with him and then all meet up with some friends for beer, food, and celebrations later in the evening. Turns out, though, that as we were driving over there a bitterly cold ice storm was setting in, causing wrecks + changed plans. We were fine, but we had a good time watching keeping an eye on traffic + the weather for a while. We also had to spontaneously decide to walk (I mean, ice skate!) to a restaurant nearby. But, it turned out perfectly anyway!
NEW YEARS DAY: Lina and I stayed with my brother after our NYE celebrations and had a long, lazy NYD morning, followed by a few little adventures, some food at a favorite spot, and a big beautiful full moon photo shoot on our way home to my parents that evening.
FRIGID MOUNTAIN MORNINGS: I fell into a routine while at in the States. Every morning I would wake up before 7, lay in bed for a while, then get up at 7, make the coffee, wrap up, and head outside in the pre-dawn to watch the sunrise. Turns out, I was able to moon-gaze every single morning as well. It was about 15-20 minutes of beautiful solitude. A chance to start my day by grounding myself in the way that I know I connect the most with nature + with my soul. After a while, I’d go inside + slowly others would wake and we would start our day by simply gathering in the living room and hanging out.
So, here are some of my mornings:
SO COLD + SO BEAUTIFUL: My dad ran out one morning to run some errands and when he got back he told us that it was gorgeous down by the lake that’s in my parents’ down. So, being the photography freaks that we are, we bundled up and headed out into the bitterly cold weather to take photos + get some fresh air. Poor Lina couldn’t feel her fingers, but I braved the cold + soaked up every bit of warmth from the sunshine that I could. Totally worth it.
MOMENTS WITH SPECIAL PEOPLE: The whole purpose of this holiday trip to the States was to be with my parents + my brother. So, we didn’t do a whole bunch of visiting friends and being the visiting Swedish socialites that we normally are. We took it slow + easy, and only hung out with our “sister” Jessica and our friends on New Year’s Eve. I have to say, I totally missed seeing some people, but it was very nice to focus on family + keep it simple.
LAST DAY MUST HAVES (+ 3 flights that went amazingly well!): So, we tried to have Mexican food a few times + it didn’t work out so well. But, on our last day we hit the mexican food jackpot. And then, before heading to the airport, we swung by our favorite brewery, Highland Brewing, for a pint… because that is totally what we do. Soon, it was time to fly and my heart way breaking. I cried for 20 of the 30 minutes on our flight from Asheville to Atlanta. Then, I got it together and we made it safely to Amsterdam and home to Sweden.
Well, I definitely cannot complain about my week. While, in many ways, it was not like our regular trips to North Carolina, it was beautiful + charming in its own way. And it was most definitely good to only focus on my family. Plus, I got good food, amazing beer, beautiful nature, some much needed rest, a break from our regular routine, and a chance to change environments, leaving the craziness of this past autumn behind.
Now, I’m all adjusted to Swedish time again + almost ready to begin working. To be honest, I could use a week off here at home. But, it’s back to work for me tomorrow! So, I’m gonna end this here + do some preparing for the week before I head to bed. I must admit, it feels good, though, to get back to my routines + rituals here at home.
Here’s to ending a fantastic week + to giving thanks for the opportunity to be at home with my roots in North Carolina for a few days. Hope you had a great first week of 2018!
xoxo. liz.
Oh, you’re so gonna want to subscribe to my weekly newsletter, if you haven’t already. I’ve got some new stuff happening in it + I’d love to share with you some of my plans for this coming year. Sign up right here!
It sounds and looked like a great time to me! What an adorable baby in those pics towards the end.
What a gorgeous brother too!
You always manage to take the best pics of things that I wouldn’t even think to take pics of, but yet, when you do it, they turn out great!
Thanks so much Tracy! What a fun thing to hear about my photography! Yep. My brother is cool and amazing dude.
Hope you are well!