An intense week calls for a mini road trip: My Corona Diaries

That happened. Two weeks went by without me documenting my own little life’s experiences in the midst of this global pandemic. Part of my silence was due to not feeling it last weekend. I mean, not feeling inspiration to write + post after a pretty tough + heavy + intense week. The energy was just all crazy + weird. So, instead of posting last weekend, Lina + I hopped in the car last Saturday and took a mini road trip. And it was just what we needed. Like reaaaaally needed. Plus, it was the first time that we had road tripped with Luna (the car). Well, the first time we’d road tripped, just ourselves, since I’ve lived in Sweden. So, it was actually a freaking huge deal.

But before I share a bunch of photos from our road trip, I’m gonna share a little about the week. Mostly how I tried to keep balance as my mood just felt heavier + heavier. Without really knowing why.

Well, external things actually influenced + affected us quite a bit. And the first week in May, there was just so much, that trying to stay present was the only option. Honestly, I felt calm + grounded, but I felt the pressure + intensity of it all. I suppose it was the perfect opportunity to really practice what I preach – staying anchored as storms passed overhead. Focusing on the moment + choosing how I want to show up + react + be.

Throughout the week, I really just did my thing:

Wake. Work from home. Wander in the backyard. Work some more. Rest in the evening. And do it all over again. It was a simple existence, which seemed perfect in the middle of not-so-simple feelings, emotions, and happenings. But, again, this is where life happens, isn’t it? In the middle of the ordinary moments. The good ones + the not so good ones.

So, the heaviness was caused by a few different things. First, there was a full moon. Always a reason that things may feel intense. Sometimes it’s a good, inspiring, over-the-top intense. And sometimes, like this past full moon, it’s a deep, heavy, serious kind of intense. And oh how I felt the pull of the moon in the ebb + flow of my emotions this week.

We’ve had a few neighbor issues lately and Lina is on the homeowner’s committee, so she’s been involved with a bunch of, well, shit that one person is throwing at them. It took up way too much of her time + has taken an emotional toll on her as well. I may have to have a word with this lady before it’s all said + done. I hate when my wife is so stressed because of unnecessary negativity + just pure bitchy-ness.

My dad also had a little, but frightening, procedure – not so fun in the middle of Corona time – and my poor mom couldn’t be with him. The best I could do was to call her and talk with her some while she waited in the car. Turns out, all is fine… so we can sigh a deep breath of thanks for that. But, damn. That was intense during these crazy times – and being so far from them.

And then, there’s just this never-ending not knowing of what comes next, how long we will live like this, when to go out + when to stay in, what’s right, what’s dangerous or selfish… it’s just a crapload of uncertainty. And that also takes a toll.

My saving grace was definitely mother earth – and Lina – and Luna the car.

I made it outside pretty much every single day. Even though the weather sucks here right now (cool, rainy, stormy, snowy, chilly, sunny, cloudy)… and even though I may have only walked around my building, my backyard saved me. Just to put my feet on the ground for a minute, or to touch the trunk of a tree, or hear the birdsong, or stand under that crazy full moon, or watch the sunset, or notice the earth awakening more + more each day. Nature is the thing that brings me back to my center. That gives me perspective. That reminds me that the rhythms + cycles continue to unfold. For me, the earth is the grounding, stable place that remains faithful + certain during all of this.

So, when the weekend came and the weather app on our phones showed sunshine for Saturday, it was a no-brainer. We were heading out for a mini road trip. Our first real adventure in Luna!

We dropped by the store for a few snacks, packed the cooler, and headed out to the coast – about an hour’s drive. Our first road trip in our car! I thought we might see quite a few people, given it was the weekend + sunny. And there were plenty of people on the two lane roads, but not at all many people in the little coastal harbor.

It was a glorious afternoon – and we were so grateful for the time to get away, ride in our car, spend time together, and soak in the salty air. And, just so you know, the little cafe where we grabbed the beer… there were like 3 other people there + we all sat outside. The entire harbor was quite dead, so we felt safe that we were not spreading or receiving any germs + proud to support a little local business.

We ended the day at our friends’ place for dinner, drinks, and deep conversations. Oh, it was so very cozy. The perfect way to top off a very intense, crazy, heavy week. Feeling a bit lighter + a teeny bit more normal after a mini road trip to get a bit of perspective.

So, lovelies, how are you feeling? How are you doing?

xoxo. liz.

Tomorrow, I’ll do my best to share how this week has been. Then I’ll be all caught up + on schedule again. So check back again in a day! xo.

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