Last week I shared with you all a little behind-the-scenes photos from the day of filming for our House Hunters International episode in Asheville, NC. You can check out that post –> here.
Today, I am back with more behind-the-scenes fun!
Lina + I have been working on a video of our first 2 days of filming, which includes our day of filming in Asheville and our 1st day of filming (of 4 days) in Uppsala. So, I thought I’d share the video with you all right here, and include some photos as well!
To be honest, it was kinda tough to film and shoot photos while we were being filmed ourselves. Oh the life of tv stars. Wink wink. But, we pulled out our phones as much as we could to document the process. Because it is definitely something we never want to forget.
In any case… here we go. First, though, a little background history + explanation about what was going on.

So, just to recap. We filmed one day in Asheville last August. That was the day that we recorded our backstory = why we were moving to Sweden, what we wanted, how we met, what life was like in Asheville. It was an awesome day. Like, for real. And we got to share it with some awesome friends who were a part of the day!
Fast forward one and a half months, and we were back in Sweden and autumn was settling in on us. Plus, it was now time to really get down to filming business.
Our producer/director and sound guy both flew in from London. The casting director (who was with us in Asheville) flew in from NYC. And the camera guy came up from southern Sweden. Turns out these people were ahhhhhhmazing. But, more about that later. Here they are planning what to do, how to do it, and what to tell us to do. Oh, and our real estate agent is featured in the pics too!
Filming the heart of the episode would take 4 days, so we took off from work on Friday and Monday and filmed over a long, 4-day weekend. Plus… my birthday! Pics and videos from all of that in the next video post.
The days were very long, and very intense. I mean, we didn’t really know what we were doing in the beginning, but, Lina and I loved it! We were exhausted. It was hard sometimes and nerve-wracking, but so much freaking fun. I seriously could do this often. Like with my life. I absolutely thrived in front of the camera. (I sure hope it looks that way on tv. Hehe.). Lina and I suddenly, absolutely felt totally natural and, after 4 long days, we really felt like we were in a groove.
Gaaaaah. What an amazing experience.
The first day in Uppsala started with filming our meeting with our real estate agent. You know, budget talk. What our wish lists are. Etc. It went sooooo well, but we are already totally tired by lunch. Ha!
The afternoon was all about filming our first apartment viewing… It included walking around + looking at the apartment, individual interviews with each of us on how impressions of the apartment, what we liked/disliked, and hanging out while the cameraman did his thing to shoot B-roll shots. B-roll shots are the shots that are cutaways… like shots of the city, surroundings, the apartment. They are those scenes that are usually transitions and/or informative/entertaining.

Ok. Enough talking about it. Here’s our little video of filming days 1 + 2! Enjoy!
We are currently working on the second video, so that will be out soon. And, just in case you live in the US and would like to watch our episode online on HGTV, you can do that –> right here!
For everyone else, we are still waiting for our personal DVD to arrive in the mail. It should be any day now! After that… we may be able to link up the entire episode. Maybe. Otherwise… you can come see us + watch the episode! How fun would that be?!
Well, friends, it’s Friday now, so the weekend has begun! We’ve got super fun plans today – thanks to contacts made from filming this House Hunters International episode, actually. So, check back here during the weekend to find out about our experience at the Press Only pre-opening for the Uppsala Beer and Whiskey Festival! (That’s right. we got press passes!! Sooooo cool).
Videos + photos to come! Happy weekend, lovelies!
xoxo. liz.
Did you ever manage to get hold of your episode?
We have a dvd of it, but have not put it online anywhere, as per our contract.
Nice, I found it online so wanted to share it if you didn’t have it