lovely, lovely norrköping.

during work today i had a chance to take a few shots of the industrial area of downtown norrköping,since i had a meeting there (lucky me!). every time i walk by there i am stunned by its beauty. today it was absolutely gorgeous. these days it’s freezing outside (and inside. ok. i’m exaggerating about the inside part) and the sky is clear & deep blue, which makes shots with my camera and/or iPhone even more beautiful. so, just thought i’d share the view with you. man, how i love it here. so amazing.




time for bed now after a long, but very good day. looking forward to tomorrow, when I can hopefully find some time to write. oh yeah.

nighty night. peace.

0 thoughts on “lovely, lovely norrköping.

  1. Must be pretty cold if Strömmen has frozen. That was not an annual occurrence when we lived there.

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