Well, we’ve seen it. Our episode of House Hunters International aired in the States last night – and we saw it live!
We woke up at 4AM, made a pot of coffee, Face-Timed my parents, texted my brother, and huddled on the couch together… anxiously anticipating the start. And, suddenly, it just started. And it was crazy.
This is me at 4AM. Waiting for Lina to join me so we can watch our premiere!
It was all the feels. So many feelings. Emotions all over the place. Gratitude and excitement and overwhelmed humility. How can I even begin to describe how we feel after watching our House Hunters International episode premiere on HGTV last night?!
It was definitely surreal. I mean, I felt like I was having an out of body experience. True story. I laughed. I cried. And I was totally blown away.
I laughed because we were so “picky” about the 3 places we saw. We both knew what we wanted, and both really wanted what we wanted. And, of course, it wasn’t the same thing. The process of making the decision on the show was a riot. Trying to convince each other which one we should buy. Plus we said super silly things (“The white walls are nice!” “It’s not a walk-in closet, but I can walk in it!”). And we stuck to our guns on our wish list items. But did we get it? Nope. Neither one of us. Well, we didn’t get what we planned. But, what we got so so so much better. It was clear that I was the big picture girl. And Lina was the one in charge of the details. True to our real life.
Here we are. Outside one of the properties. We both loved it. Lina wanted it. I didn’t think it was big enough.
I cried because the story was so true to our life. They edited and clipped and created the show to really reflect our story. You even get a short version of how we fell in love. On top of that, we had some very important people in the show with us when we filmed different scenes that were all part of our backstory.
To be honest, I was afraid tons of stuff would be cut and some of these important people and places might not even make it in. But, they somehow did. The magicians of editing and storytelling found a little space in our 23 minute episode to fit in everything. To have our friend, Andrea + her studio, be a part was extra special nice. To include the beer scenes in Asheville + Uppsala – was soooo us. To have little shots of Lina’s work and quick takes of both of our brothers… priceless. And, Zola, our cat, even made her tv debut! So, yes. I cried. Because it meant so very much to me.
My brother + Bria came all the way from the States while we were filming (it was also my birthday that weekend) – and they got a second of tv time too!
I was blown away because of the beauty and art and craft of it all. Which is a testament to all of the people who worked on it. From our directors, producer, videographers, sound guys, gopher (who went and got us endless amounts of chai latte)… all of them were just fabulous. Both in Asheville + in Uppsala. So easy to work with. Understanding. Funny. And they all really made it relaxing and fun and totally worth the long, intense days. We’ve even made new, real friends out of this whole experience.
As for the people who worked on this episode that we never met, we truly are grateful for them too. Their talent and kindness and professionalism is noted. And the way they put together our story… I have no other word except for beautiful. I am absolutely satisfied and completely grateful.
Our Uppsala crew. They were in-freaking-credible.
So, to sum up. We loved it. We are grateful. And we are still a little bit in shock that this has all happened.
And, lastly, we want to go ahead and thank all of you who have comments, supported, watched, shared, and followed us along through this journey. We want to show you our thanks by continuing to use our lives to create + inspire + be a positive force in this world – in as many different ways as possible.
Thank you so much for looking us up, stopping by the blog, subscribing to my newsletter or our YouTube channel, and just being a part of our lives, whether for only a day or for a lifetime. We are deeply appreciative of each of you.
photo screenshot from HGTV.com
Ok, if you are dying to see the episode or know more, here’s what we are planning:
We may, just may, be able to upload our episode here on the blog after we receive our DVD. Maybe. We’re not sure… so don’t count on it. In the meantime, we still promise lots of behind-the-scenes footage and stories. Pinky swear.
Swedes… the viewing party will be planned in about a month (after we get our DVD).
Americans…. you can watch the episode right here! Right now!
As for where we go from here… who knows?! Stay tuned, though, because we have so many ideas. If you have any ideas or thoughts or questions, please feel free to leave a comment or get in touch via the links in the menu above.
In the meantime, wishing you all the best, dear friends. Have a beautiful weekend – and remember to always save some time to celebrate the little (and big) things in life.
xoxo. liz.
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So glad you got to share your story!
Thank you!! It was totally an honor.
So enjoyed getting to see you both and follow along on this piece of your journey — and to see your new home. I was sitting there thinking “that second one seems like the best compromise on everything they wanted and price” and a minute later there y’all were, picking that one. Lovely to see.
Hehe!! Good job! We absolutely love our home and it is totally perfect! xoxo
so cool!
Thanks, doll! Hope all is well with you!
I finally watched this today! I really enjoyed it and I’m so happy that you had a great time making this episode. How cool is that?!
So excited that you were able to see it and that you enjoyed it! It was such an amazing and cool experience! xo
I just watched your episode. What a lovely couple! Uppsala looks like a great place and your home is hyggelig! They said you had lived in DK so I hope you agree.
Hello! Thank you so much for watching + for commenting! We did live in Denmark… about 8 years ago – and it’s when we became a couple. In Odense. So, Denmark has a very, very special place in our heart.
Uppsala is very beautiful and the entire vibe here is hyggelig and mysig.