I am in need of some serious healing vibes. This is day 3 of me being sick at home. My body forced me to slow down, so I have been resting in bed, drinking gallons and liters of orange juice and water, sipping on hot tea and coffee, eating a ton of fruit + some soup, and watching 90210 (the real, old one) since Tuesday. Turns out, though, that I needed these three days more than I ever knew. I can’t put words to it, but the work week is culminating in the healing medicine of the new moon and I am feeling all kinds of earthy magic.
The past three days have been tough. Today has been better. But, even more that that, today has been magical, healing medicine for my body + soul. I’m not completely physically healed yet as I am still dragging this cold into the weekend (and Lina has now joined me in the sick bed), but I’m better. But my soul is harvesting all of the healing vibes of the new moon and it’s renewing my soul + my body.
Morning rituals for feeling those new moon vibes
I woke this morning, already knowing that I wasn’t going to work, made some coffee, and took some medicine. I guzzled some juice, washed my face, and crawled back into the deep dent I have in my bed after being here for three days. I knew that today was the Virgo new moon and I knew the energy that had been awakening in me surrounding this new moon, so I planned to sit quietly and practice a few grounding, new moon rituals.

I listened to my autumn playlist, lit candles, and opened my journal. I recorded a few words that came to mind, as I settled into my soul and into the vibes of the new moon day. Words like: earthy, grounded, organized, body, harvesting, completion, healing, medicine. I also ran across a a quote from Mystic Mamma’s instagram post on the Virgo New Moon today.
Virgo reminds us that through our earthly embodiment, we become the chalice.
And with my words, and those above words, in my journal I scribbled: harvesting the medicine of the earth. That’s what this time, this season, this new moon, is about for me. It’s about knowing who I am, by grounding myself + healing myself, so that I can become the chalice, the vessel, that holds and embodies both earth + spirit. A chalice meant for offering my own special medicine to all the cosmos.
Embodying the healing medicine: What comes next?
And, then, filled with the energy of this late August earth medicine that has been healing my body + my soul, I turned to my oracle cards to begin to intuit the vibes + intentions for the moon cycle that begins today. New moons are a resetting moment. And, after ending this cycle by dealing with a physical ailment that has left me at home + in bed for three days, my soul + my body reveal to me that a cycle is complete. That much healing + grounding has occurred, especially in these past few days, and it is time to move forward into the next cycle. And I literally felt the completion of the cycle. I assume that it was so obvious and poignant for me because I was able to use the last 3 days of the previous moon cycle to really sink down + release, just by slowing down + healing my body.

Ready to embrace the next new moon cycle, I pulled a rune stone and 5 oracle cards. The cards were answers to 5 questions I posed:
- What do I need to release from the August moon cycle?
- What lessons have I learned?
- What am I called to pay attention to/focus on in the upcoming cycle?
- What is the energy of the new cycle?
- What wants to be born through me?
As I may or may not have mentioned before, I use all kinds of spiritual tools to help me tap into my soul’s wisdom, to know what is on my heart + on my mind, to help me slow down + listen to my intuition, and to connect me to the spirit of truth that resides in each of us.
The rune stone that I pulled out of the bag was the symbol for fertility. Not exactly the energy of the harvest of autumn. And, yet, it felt so right. Somehow I understood it. I am birthing something new with this new moon cycle. Of course, new moons are all about beginnings, and we encounter these beginnings every single month. But, for me, this feels different. Like August was a major completion of a path that I have been traveling for a while. With this new moon + September, something new is starting. A new path on my journey lays ahead of me. I have no specifics or details, just the energy.

The 5 cards confirmed these feelings + vibes within me. I am letting go of the spirit of air. Releasing the dreamy, cosmic pursuit of discovering my higher truth and replacing it with the deep grounding, earthy energy of autumn. I am calling forth an energy of balance and abundance. Of mysticism + the magic of being a channel for earth + spirit. What wants to be born through me is more expansive that I realize. It is, perhaps, just what I have said + experienced. For me to be a healer + channel.
As for my intention this moon cycle, I did not come to any conclusion. But, rather sat with all of my thoughts. I journaled them in my moleskin. And I closed my new moon ritual feeling so very settled into this harvest medicine of healing + balance. And I pondered the idea that I am a chalice, grounding myself, healing myself, giving thanks for all that I have gathered, so that I can pour out my offerings.
My first intentional act of the new moon
My dear friend told me last night when she texted to check on me that I should take a walk today. So, this morning, I decided that it was a good idea. After my new moon rituals I was feeling well enough to leave the bed and, besides, the wind was calling to me. It was a mostly overcast day. A teeny bit cooler. And the breeze was strong. It was as if mother earth was also telling me of the shifts occurring in nature and in my own body + soul.
So, I grabbed a jacket, slipped on sandals, and headed out. There was no need to think about where I was going. I was headed to my sacred tree in a tiny little forest space up on a hill. I walked slowly, breathing in the fresh air. Enjoying being outside. Noticing how everything is turning a tiny bit brown or yellow. I snapped a few photos as I approached my tree.
And then, standing there beside her, I put my hand out to feel her breathing.

I took a photo of my hand resting on her bark, then turned the camera to take a photo of me + the tree. Once I had clicked a few times, I turned around to lean on her and meditate. And saw that I was not alone.
The monk who walks
There is a Buddhist monk who walks in my neighborhood. He passes my kitchen window 2 times a day. I often only see him on the weekends, but every time I do, something in me is moved. I don’t know what it is. I feel connected to him. Fellow contemplative souls? Fellow meditative walkers? Though my meditative walking is to and from work. In any case, I always feel a sacred, special pause whenever he passes by my window. I’ve been seeing him, sometimes even (rarely) walking at the same time he does, for years.

But, today, as I turned around at my sacred tree, the monk was walking right beside where I was standing. We greeted each other + he passed on by. But, he didn’t go far. He stopped just on the other side of the small clearing between my tree + another set of trees. We were very close. He removed his outer garment and sat down on the ground. I returned my focus to my tree.
I knelt down to sit with my back against my tree, I closed my eyes + breathed deeply. I knew that I was receiving a message. I knew this was a sacred moment.

In, but not of, the world. That’s the phrase that came to mind. And then… Set apart. A way of life. Living spirituality. I felt an affirmation deep within me about who I am. And a challenge to embrace myself even more. I felt magic. I felt a wild connection with nature, spirit, the universe, and this monk. More than kindred spirits. I knew that we were meant to meet (though we never spoke to each other except to say hello) in this place.
Think of it! In this place. On this day. At this time. Me, finally leaving home after being sick for 3 days. At random 1pm. It’s just all too much to understand. Like, my mind is still blown. And, yet I do totally, deeply, soulfully understand.
More healing + earthy magic to come
When we are able to slow down + get grounded + centered, then healing + magic are revealed all around us. We are entering my favorite time of the year this weekend. As beautiful spring + summer are, my heart belongs to autumn + winter. I am a positive, contemplative soul who believes in the constant evolution of the ALL for good, I am also an introverted, mystical, spiritual soul of the dark. Perhaps it’s simply because, for me, the dark does not represent the scary + bad. The dark is simply a part of the journey, a part of the cycle of life, a part of the seasons of the year, and a place in the soul.

This is the season for withdrawing + retreating. For praying, meditating, walking, giving thanks, and purifying our souls. This is the beginning of the quiet season. Where magic, like monks appearing in the woods, occurs naturally + often.
The healing that has happened in the past 3 days + throughout the past phase of my life is only the beginning. Staying grounded, I will continually, mindfully tap into the medicine of the earth. But, the harvesting will soon come to an end. And it will be time to give thanks for it all + then offer my own wisdom medicine back.
For now, though, I’m settling into a new moon phase. Absolutely uncertain of my intention, but holding the idea, the symbol, of a chalice in my mind’s eye + in my soul. Holding + embodying both earth + spirit. A vessel for the eternal inspiration of the cosmos + the ancient wisdom of the earth.

New moon blessings of healing + earthy magic
Needless to say, loves, this new moon has been a big one for me. I am so curious to see how the cycle unfolds over the rest of the month. And, to be sure, I will hammer down my intention before the new moon phase is over in a couple of days. For now, I will continue to take it slow + intentional this weekend. And I wish you all of the magic + healing that you need as well. Slow down + ground down. And see how healing + magic are waiting for you.
xoxo. liz.