i cannot even begin to express in words the gratitude and honor that i feel because i was able to be a part of such an amazing wedding day of 2 very special people. so, instead of unsuccessfully trying to describe it to you, i’m gonna address a letter to the newlyweds…
chris & nicole, i wish you all the happiness in the world, joy & peace in your souls, and a lifetime of love. and i thank you deeply for inviting my love & me to be a part of your wedding day, a beautiful weekend, and a part of your lives. it was a weekend filled with incredible moments and experiences which lina & i will not soon forget. we can’t wait to see you again soon… in ireland, or sweden, or the states, or wherever life takes. we love you both! congratulations!
now, here come the pics!
all ready for the celebrations!first things first. the outfit. courtesy of my dear friend, g!my love, warming up her voice. she sang during the wedding. and it was amazing! ♥
irish ladies, like english ones, wear hats at weddings. who knew? if felt like i was at a royal wedding. the hat is THE accessory.the beautiful bride listening to my love sing. i’m a proud wife.congratulations, nicole & chris!
look at this sweet lady. stylin’!
we drove back from the church to kilshane house for the reception & party. when we stepped out of the car, we were greeted at the door to the house with a glass of champagne. let the fun begin!!the crowd waiting for the bride & groom to arrive.waiting & being silly. (the kept filling our glasses with champagne. shhhh.)here they come! on horses, of course. a fairytale.beautiful. amazing.the swedish (american) guests & our amazing friend, the bride. my love, me, nicole, & jonas (my love’s brother)mr. paddy “carson”. the head butler (or whatever you call him) who reminds us of a character from downton abbey. he was so jovial & wonderful.time for delicious dinner & a party!
games & songs! yes. we were standing on chairs.the first dance by the wedding couple. elegant.and then… poof. a dress change in the middle of their dance, and it was on!soon, everyone joined in. the music (first a live band & then a dj) was fantastic!into the wee hours of the morning… still going strong & crazy as ever.my love & i… on an incredible day we’ll never forget.
it was such a beautiful wedding day filled with great people, great food, and great fun! well, i’ve got one more post left… our last 24 hours in ireland. check back tomorrow to see our last morning at kilshane house (sad face. i could’ve stayed there forever, i think.) and one more night in dublin!
if you’ve missed my other posts from ireland click below:
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Wow! That wedding looks very fancy! Really love the elegant outfits of the couple and the rest of the guests – so purdy!
it was most definitely a once-in-a-lifetime kinda thing! so fancy, and yet so laid back at the same time. the perfect combo of elegance & fun. 🙂