oh yeah. in the morning we’re hopping a plane to… ireland!

i have three favorite things that i love to do. in a perfect world, i get to do all three at the same time.
- write
- take pictures
- travel
of course there are many more things i love to do… watch movies, visit pubs, ride on a boat, dance, practice yoga, read, etc. but, the things in my life that i cannot live without are the three i listed. they give me purpose, make my life meaningful. of course, i have not mentioned my love, my family, & my friends. that goes without saying. nothing in the whole world is more important than them. the people in my life are a whole other level.
anyway, this weekend, i get to travel – which also means that i will be partaking in a little photography & writing as well. my love and i are headed to ireland for a long weekend to celebrate the wedding of two amazing friends! we’ll be in dublin for some days on our own, and also at a mansion/plantation-type-place in the irish countryside for the wedding. helloooooo. does it get any better?! we’ve been to dublin before – last fall, actually, to visit the friends who are getting married. a swiss chick & and irish dude. love having international friends. we fell head over heels in love with dublin, and can’t wait to get back to do some shopping, visit some pubs, listen to irish music, and enjoy the jovial, friendly nature of the irish people. then, it’s off to the countryside for a weekend of wedding celebrations. you know i’ll take pics of everything. hehe. if i get a chance, i’ll give you a sneak peek while i’m there, otherwise you’ll have to wait until next week… unless you decide to follow me on instagram (@lizlens) because i’ll be posting pics there throughout the weekend. just sayin’.
and just so you know, i am aware of how blessed and lucky i am to be able to travel to different places. i do not take it for granted. not ever. travel has always been something very important to my & my love… it helps us breathe, it allows us to stretch our minds & encounter different cultures, traditions, thoughts. it teaches peace, it brings people together, it transforms the traveler & the world. to travel is to live. it is to experience life and to live life to the fullest. traveling, for us, is freedom.
well, this post is almost done, i’m all packed, and now ready to get some sleep, so i’m gonna leave y’all here. don’t forget to check back during the weekend, even if i’m not home… the two chicks & some beer project kicks off tomorrow when we land in dublin! we’ll have some beer tips coming.
here’s to wishing you a fabulous weekend, wherever you are, whatever you doing. and happy labor day to all you americans out there!
it’s time to fly! peace & love.
It has always been my dream to go to Ireland! I hope you have an amazing trip. Be sure to share lots of photos!
Whoooza, sounds like an exciting vacation! Unfortunately, I’ve never been to Ireland before but am desperate to go. Was my number two location in the UK after London. England was amazing so I am hoping Ireland is, too. Once I make it out there – ouch! Hopefully I can re-live some moments thru your upcoming posts… ^ ^
Have fun, be safe, and can’t wait to see all your pictures! Sounds like you’re going to have a fantastic time, doing what you love. (: I’ll send good thoughts your way!