today was a a little bit sweet and sour, i’d say. up & down. so, it is with some days, right?
i know i write a lot about living in the present, listening to your soul, and finding peace & joy in the ordinary moments of every day life. i wonder how many people think that i just spit out all of that oozy, gooey sweet stuff. i wonder how many people think that there is no way in hell that they can do the things i suggest/write about because they are simply trying to survive and don’t see any way out of where they are right now. sometime i wonder if my inspirational words only serve to irritate some people, like i’m too sweet and sugar-y. i’ve heard in the past that i keep my head in the clouds and seem to stay away from things that are difficult… that my life is so perfect and happy, that i would not understand at all those people who are going through real difficult times.
well, if you think that, then you’re wrong. sorry, you’re way wrong. my life is not always sweet. it is sour & bitter as well.
i must say, though, that i practice what i preach. i really do try to live in the present moment and listen to my soul (that’s why i do yoga, read, and sit). and i really do look for peace every day – even if i only notice one, little moment. and these things are not easy for me to do. they do not necessarily come easy to me, which is perhaps why i write about them so much. so, this blog, my pictures, the things i write, they are ways to help me stay focused in life. they are not to preach at you, dear readers.
and, by the way, my life is not perfect. i have had and do have many struggles. many things that try to pull me into the dark & entice me to give up hope. i’m just stubborn, though, i guess. i refuse to let the darkness win. i truly, deeply believe in love.
anyway, on a day that has been filled with sweet & sour moments, bitterness & joy, i want to share some tidbits of sweetness with you (typical me), seeing as that was the photoadayMay challenge for today (sunday). we all know that the sour stuff is there, but why should i focus on it? why should i let it win? it already causes me enough pain. what i need is to focus on the sweet things in life in order to get through all the sour. so, without further a due…
on my morning walk to work, the suns rays were reaching down from heaven, filling me with hope & peace.
afternoon fika at home with my love. i bought blueberries & strawberries. and i made some whipped cream/coolwhip stuff. that’s right, you heard me. i made it.
bought a new camera!! thanks to my love’s great economy skills.
held my cutie niece (lina’s sister’s daughter).
had strawberry ice cream with chocolate mousse. tasted like summer.
saw a gorgeous swedish field on the drive home this evening.
how has your sunday been? any sweet moments? sour ones? talk to me.
sending you hugs, love, & peace.
Well Liz, your day looked better than mine- lol. Mine consisted of a “spring” (winter) yard cleaning- in time for our bi-annual verge pick-up. I even managed to get my son out into the light (I thought he might turn to dust like a vampire, he’s been inside studying for so long). We now have a beautiful, clear & trimmed entry area- as well as a pile of brush & debris the size of a large Buick!
Hey- great camera, btw~ very nice. Are you one of those knowledgeable sorts who knows how to use manual settings? That’s one thing I’d like to do at some point- take a photography course. Your niece is a cutie. They’re so sweet at that age…And, I also make my own whipped cream- no Cool Whip in Oz.
sounds like you got a lot accomplished! way to go! not so much fun, maybe, but i’m sure it feels good.
as for the camera, i am somewhere in-between being knowledgeable & being a newbie. i took a photography course some years ago, in another life-time, and i don’t remember as much as i should. i reaaaally want to get back into it and become a “real” photographer. yes, i’ve got a ton of cute little ones all around me. lucky me!
I’m a total sap where little ones are concerned. And it seems they are drawn to me- maybe I’m a big kid & they sense it? I just absolutely love the pre-3 yr age because they are so serious & at the same time, open. We do so much together- I love mud, grass, ooze,- anything fun like that.
Your photography attraction- as much as you produce here- I can only see better things expressed with your serious camera.
As far as “accomplishment”- yes, no doubt. In WA, it doesn’t take long for things to overgrow. I like it neat- thus our all-day cleaning…and in that, I got my son out in “the sun”- lol.
Det är en konst att kunna se det positiva i små, vardagliga händelser (och uppskatta dem) även när man har det jobbigt. Kram!
if there’s people around who think your head is in the clouds, then that’s because they’re jealous. You have the great gift of trying very hard to always see the best in everything and I admire you for it! So keep up the sweet thoughts even when life sucks… but don’t think you cannot write about the troubled times either. Cause you know we’ll listen and send you the sweet and pink points that you might not be able to see yourself. love
i love you, nicole. thank you so much! xo