A summary of the rest of my summer, before it slips away

Somehow August is almost over + summer is slipping away without any updates from me for weeks. So, here’s a photo graphic summary of the last few weeks of summer. I’ve been a bit absent from here lately, mostly because August is fiery + wild + crazy. Long gone are the lazy, hot days of summer. Things began to ramp up as soon as the calendar flipped to August and we crossed into the very beginning of the first harvest. No longer am I just exploring, hanging out, and nesting in my new home. Now, the focus is settling down, settling in, and returning to routine (not necessarily the same routines as the past, of course). Still, before I sink too deep into the slow shift into autumn, I want to share and document the rest of those summer vibes.

Basically, get ready for a summary filled with photos + maybe a few stories. 🙂

Sun, food, drinks and long, hot days

Rainy days, Covid tests/vaccine, and the summer of the cocktails

Peanut’s due date passed

And our hearts broke all over again. But, we continue to give thanks for Sonja’s little life in the womb + how she inspired so much of what is represented in this summer summary.

Up to Uppsala 2 times!

Errands, work, a little inspiration, more food + drinks, important people, a hotel stay, meditation in the cathedral, saying our final farewell to The Yellow Villa, and visiting Peanut’s memorial site.

Setting into August:

A day trip to Stockholm, finally organizing our studio, a little rain + cooler weather, and returning to my meditation rituals.

Autumn is on its way

Settling into the darkness that seems to be slowly creeping in

What a wild summer it has been what with the move + all. But, I cannot deny the fact that I feel so much better now than I did in June + before the move. And, while I wouldn’t highly recommend moving during your summer vacation, I can also sort of recommend it. Summer offered us just the right vibes to get out and explore our new home. And, in following the rhythm of nature, as August has rolled around with its energy of returning home to routines + rituals, it is also the perfect energy to mirror how we are settling into our new life now. The long, hot, wild days + nights of summer are giving way to cool, cozy days and longer, darker nights… and we are absolutely welcome the shift into the slower, homey-ier season of autumn.

So, in summary, this summer has been like no other for sure. But, as I look back through my photo summary of the season, it is absolutely clear to me that we have landed exactly where we are supposed to be.

How about you? How do you feel now that the seasons are slipping from one into another? Are you ready for the shift? I so hope that you feel that you are where you are supposed to be. If not, then try to dig deep, breathe from way down in your belly, remember the seasons + how they change, and dare to trust the process.

I’m sending you all the love I can. xoxo. liz.

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