day 8: a smell i adore.


i love the smell of coffee grounds in the morning.

i make my way to the kitchen, open the cabinet, pour the water, and then… it’s time. i open the coffee canister, the waft tickles my nose as i begin to scoop out the main ingredient of my cozy morning. it doesn’t matter if i have a morning off or only an hour before i have to go, the morning cup of coffee is necessary. it’s a cup of coziness, like a deep breath or a warm blanket. and the smell… the smell will always remind me of mornings with my love.

my morning pot of coffee ritual with my love prepares me. it gives me the time & space i need to begin my day, to transition from rest to work… slow moments shared together before the hustle & bustle of daily life takes over. or, on some days, the smell from the pot of coffee never ends, as we take cup after cup of warm yumminess, listen to music, read the paper, chat in the sunny kitchen, and simply enjoy the laziness of being together on a day off.

wishing you some lazy, cozy moments somewhere in your day.


0 thoughts on “day 8: a smell i adore.

  1. Ha Ha, Liz! I too, have come to enjoy the smell of coffee, but have no interest in drinking it!

  2. Yes yes yes, coffee smells sooooo good! I love waking up to the smell of the coffee, not only does it smell absolutely delectable but it also tells me that my favorite uncle is in the house visiting. (: Coffee is a necessity for life. So many memories made over it.

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