they’ve been saying for the past day that there is some snow moving into the area from russia. i think it’s pretty cool that i live in a place where the snow comes from an arctic blast from russia. hehe. sounds exotic. well, i’m working from home this afternoon & i’m most definitely all ready to enjoy a cozy, snowy day (wish my love was here too). yes, i know it’s 60ish degrees in north carolina & i am jealous; but if it’s gonna be winter, it might as well snow! it looks like that arctic blast has, in fact, found it’s way to the eastern seaboard of sweden… the temp when i got up this morning was 9 degrees F!!! that’s insanely cold. and here’s what’s happening this afternoon so far…
snow clouds moving in from the east…
comin’ in fast. bye bye sunshine.
the first few flakes landing on the windowsill.
i made some champagne tea to celebrate! yummy deliciousness.
now it’s really coming down. woo hoo. i know. you can’t see it very well, but trust me. it’s there!
time to get back to work! hope y’all have a great thursday… it’s almost the weekend!
peace & love.
Such a creative post! Love it. If a blizzard strikes, I hope you’ll share pictures of snow angels.
Thank you, August! And thanks for stopping by & for leaving a comment. Unfortunately, there was no blizzard, only a little bit of snow and super, super cold temperatures. I’m hoping that I’ll get a chance to make some snow angels before winter is over… and then, I’ll most definitely share pictures!