What if, instead of being afraid of the dark, instead of stumbling around in the dark + avoiding the dark, we slowed down, sat down, and embraced it instead? What if, instead of being afraid + trying to avoid darkness, we let ourselves recognize that within the darkness there is potential, possibility, and silence silence… all of which actually lead us to creating something new.
Think of it: darkness feels like nothingness. Empty. Frightening. Lonely. Un-inspired. Boring. Pointless. But, really it’s just a big ball of potential. Like a seed before sprouting. Or the few hours before dawn. Darkness is not nothing. It’s full of everything. And that’s why new moons are so magical + mysterious.
New moons are the shadow phase of the monthly moon cycle. It’s that time when the sky is dark. The time when, no matter how hard we try, we can’t find the light of the moon anywhere up there in the night sky. Of course she’s there. But, she’s in the shadow of the earth + sun. If we just hold on a few days, then we will see her light again. At first, just a sliver; and then, in about 2 weeks, we will see her all of her full moon glory. For now, though, for just a few days, she’s dark. Though, by the time you read this, you may already begin to see a sliver of light tonight.
It always messes with my brain when I look up at the stars + cannot find the big, glowing moon. And, honestly, my first reaction is one of stress + fear + uncomfortableness. But, right after my initial unsettled feeling, I breathe in deep + drink up the darkness of the night. And I remember that this moment, these few days when the sky is dark every month, is nothing but pure, new potential.
It’s like getting a clean slate every month. And it’s a moment of pure possibility. Making it also the perfect time to think about beginnings + intentions + calling in inspiration for the next moon cycle.
This new moon is in the heart of Virgo season – meaning that we’ve made that shift from summer in the northern hemisphere, and are seeing or feeling the seasons change. Autumn is creeping in. We’re settling down.
And, whether we know it or not, our souls are settling too. Our minds + bodies + spirits know that we are slowly moving towards the darkest time of the year. We can feel it in our bones. Those nesting, cozy, warm vibes are rising within us. We have the urge to nest + gather + prepare. All of nature knows that darkness is coming.
But, before we settle into the deep darkness of autumn, the darkness of this virgo moon gives us a chance to imagine how we want the next season to be. Right now, the dark new moon provides us with that clean slate, that silence, that emptiness to wonder what/how we want + need to restructure, realign, and prepare before we enter the dark of the next few months.
What do we need to take with us on our downward journey? How can align our life so that we can trust ourselves when we find that we are stumbling in the dark? How can we prepare ourselves to face the darkness with courage + intention + meaning, instead of fear + avoidance + uncertainty? What do we need in order to begin to understand + accept that the darkness is all part of the journey – that it is meant to be a magical time filled with wisdom + intuition? What intention can we set this new moon to help guide us as we begin to ever so slowly sink down into autumn?
This moon cycle (which also includes my birthday during the full moon) my intention is all about me. It’s all about trust. Trusting myself. Trusting the journey. Trusting the present. Trusting the meaning of it all. That’s it. Trust. And it begins right now, under the dark new moon, by trusting the darkness + the silence + the potential. I don’t need to know anything else. I just need to be + soak.
I know who I am. Now it’s time to trust myself to live my truth.
The darkness doesn’t have to be scary. In fact, I believe that the potential found in the dark is empowering, magical, and transformation. Dark times in our life are tough, but we always emerge with new insights + understandings. Winter, death, dark moons, midnight, dark times… they all provide us with a call to slow down, to think about what we really want, to reprioritize, to realign our souls with the truth, to quietly, silently, explore the depths of our soul + all of the potential that is within.
Embrace the energy of the dark moon each month. Let it be a couple of days of rest + insight, relying heavily on your intuition to guide you. Set an intention for the next month. And stay open to the possibilities + potential that you may not see in the dark, but that will come to light, as the moon begins to wax + grow with us.
Happy new moon energy, loves. xoxo. liz.
Beautiful post! I was just thinking about how I find the darkness full of possibilities as I read this. Then, I read further and saw that you wrote it was full of potential. We’re on the same page there!
How wonderful that this post spoke to you and that we’re on the same wavelength!