Mondays are for sharing random thoughts

The long summer nights have officially returned + that means Mondays are the perfect time to share some random thoughts. My energy always lasts a bit longer – way into the evening, even after work – once May rolls around. And my chilled out energy tonight led me to open my computer + start writing before making dinner. To be honest, thought, I don’t have any specific blog post in mind. I just felt like I wanted to say hello.

I’ve had a cozy weekend at home + an inspiring + productive day at work. But, I have to be honest, I’m in official summer vacation countdown mode now. And, to make it even more exciting/tough to bear, Lina + I have already bought our plane tickets. Aaaaand, get this… we’re gonna be in the States for SIX weeks this summer. Six whole fuckin weeks. I can hardly believe it. My sweet, generous wife came to me a couple of weeks ago with the idea of spending our entire vacation in the States + leaving way earlier that we usually do. It just required some oks from our work – which we’ve now gotten. So, USA, here we come! In a little more than 5 weeks!

Other than getting excited about summer, Lina + I did a few homeowner things this weekend, like working in the basement, grocery shopping, cleaning, and laundry. Regular ole chores. But, done slowly + without stress or hurry.

I also spent some time writing in my journal + working with my oracle cards. My favorite morning activity to go along with my multiple cups of coffee. This weekend the moon was half full + I really dug into thinking about what actions I am meant to take during this moon phase. Turns out, the actions that rose from my soul are as simple as being present. Because, in reality, that’s the only action we are called to in any given moment. Perhaps I should plan a whole blog post about this? You think?

Speaking of planning a blog post, I am considering creating a content schedule for the summer. Perhaps planning 2 posts per week. However, I’m a bit skeptical. Every time I have tries to plan posts in the past, I’ve always failed miserably, never following through. So, the question is, do I try again or do I just wait until the inspiration strikes me? What do you think? If you are a blogger, do you plan content + schedule posts?

I think the thing that was the problem in the past was that I wrote so much about my daily life, that scheduling posts was impossible. I needed to be spontaneous. But times have changed. I find it hard to sit down + write, though my soul is dying to be expressed + shared in posts. Still, I just can’t seem to get it done. Maybe, just maybe, I need the plan of a schedule to help me find a new blogging groove.

Another reason I am finding it hard to blog lately is because my mind is focused on creating new offerings + resources. I feel so creative right now + I am certain that I am called to create something totally new. And it’s not a blog post or blog posts. This is a book or a course or something. The format of it is totally unclear at this point. Which is totally fine.

All I know is that it is something that I want to offer. A way of living slowly with the seasons. A liturgy of the seasons… complete with rituals, reflections, ceremonies, and studies. All based on my experiences of following the rhythms of the seasons + the cycle of life.

In any case, I am taking notes every day. Writing down thoughts. Organizing. Brainstorming. This is all in the very early stages of creation, but it is the main thing on my mind at all times. And it feels amazing – to be so inspired + creative! But, it is going to be a long process. Perhaps ready to be shared in 2020. That is my unofficial goal, which possibly just became official.

Oh, and I made a playlist for the summer months of light + warmth + life. If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ll know that I love to make themed playlists. For the past few years, I created a playlist every single month. I have a shitload of playlists on Spotify. And I love them all.

This year, I decided to create seasonal playlists. To combine 3 months into each list + just let that baby inspire me throughout the entire season. Of course, I choose songs that I feel reflect the energy of the season. So, my summer list is earthy, folky. It’s also got slow, instrumental music, nature-inspired chants, and electronic dance songs. It’s one big ole mix of music.

If you’re curious you can find my summer playlist right here.

Alright. I believe that it’s time for me to make some dinner, so I need to head into the kitchen + get started. Then, it’s time for some Monday night coziness with my love… Game of Thrones, here we come!

Happy Monday, y’all. Wishing you a whole bunch of coziness. xoxo. liz.

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