njut av november.

this month is looking good!

  • CD release party. woo hoo.

  • road trip to skåne (southern sweden) for a traditional family goose dinner. my love & i loooove skåne!

  • a pop over to denmark on the ferry. be still my heart.

  • an open mic night/music cafe at the church where i work & my love’s gonna sing. yippee!

  • gonna preach again. oh yeah.

  • weekend in stockholm: a major deal for my love, a concert in the old town, and a chance to hang out with amazing people. perrrrfect.

  • a night at the theater. a little culture’s always right.

  • thanksgiving dinner at our home. 3rd annual swedish-american t.giving.

  • more candles, even darker & shorter days, and perhaps (?!) some snow.

  • and then, all the amazing-ness in between that’ll surprise us.

peace & turkey love. gobble gobble.

* “njut av november” = swedish for “enjoy november”!

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