sunday at home
monday moments of peace

tuesday: strategizing, enjoying the sun, knocking on doors to create opportunities, celebrating st. paddy’s day with my love
wednesday: creating my routine
thursday: feeling. so. much. inspiration. 
our neighborhood in uppsala… so colorful!

soaking up the sun with a solitary fika outside

friday: a powerful solar eclipse + the first day of spring.
there was so much energy on this day, in our home with all of the cosmic stuff going on. we could literally feel the shift that was occurring. and we are still feeling the effects + the inspiration today. the photo below is at the height of the eclipse, so dark at 11:00am. weird. and yet, beautiful.
a fika at home

my spring circle of magic
saturday: cozy at home all day long. perfection.
as i eluded to above, this has been a powerful week for me. my intentions, my energy level, my inspiration… they have all been off the charts this week. i thought specifically about the new moon and eclipse and the beginning of spring, and i knew that it all symbolized big changes. what i did not know is how in tune i would be with it all. and with myself. i began a new meditation series this week as well, focusing on success. and somehow, i just knew that i was turning to a completely new chapter in my book of life. better yet, i was beginning a whole new book with this past week. and, i have done just that.
on friday, our home was filled with energy. the shift was palpable. a new beginning was actually something that lina and i both felt. we are both making changes and huge steps forwarding life right now. leaving behind old ways, and embracing a completely new way of living.
this morning i woke up and checked instagram (as always). someone i follow had a picture of herself and a beautiful caption. her words are here:
“Today, we welcome a Solar Eclipse in Pisces on the same day as the Spring Equinox ! This is something rare, & a reason to celebrate ! This new moon is about allowing the old to fade away into the darkness of winter & allowing the new light of spring to come in & shine on what has been manifesting within us & let it grow wildly! It is all about evolution, growth, the act of moving forward. Change is the ONLY constant, so embrace it ! It is time to restart and begin anew. Whether you realize it or not, a new beginning & fresh start is happening around you. If you’re aware of this energy & open to the possibilities you might be able to see the potential in your own life. This is a powerful time to set intentions for yourself, make amends & look forward to new beginnings. It is finally time to embark on new & exciting journey in uncharted territory. And I couldn’t be more excited to finally put the pieces of life back together & dive right into all the new beginnings that are to come. Take a moment & give thanks to our universe for everything that surrounds us.”
i could not have said it any better myself. it has been an incredible week. and i cannot really express it all in words. it is my sincere wish that you have had some moments of introspection, joy, and newness as well. if you want to chat or just write and process your thoughts, please do not hesitate to contact me. i am here to listen + talk, if you should want that. simply use the contact form in the top menu to email me.
so,how was your week, my friends? what were the moments that stuck with you. share with me!
Love your photos as always!
Thank you, Julia! I hope that my headings gave a little insight into what you were seeing as well. 😉