pins and needles.


waiting on pins and needles today as the supreme court is slated to determine the fate of the love and marriages of many families, including mine. yes, they say that today the highest court in the states will make their ruling on two cases regarding marriage equality. this is a big deal, both as a civil right for all people to have the right to live and love as they are, but also as a deeply personal decision that affects how my love and i live.

what will they decide? how will american society be affected? i’m dying to find out. gonna be glued to my computer today. good thing it’s raining, and that there is a public transportation strike happening, and that i can work from home. phew.

fingers and toes crossed that the judges vote to uphold the belief that love is love is love.

peace & equality.

0 thoughts on “pins and needles.

  1. IT HAPPENED!!!! DOMA was found unconstitutional!!!

    Now, the key to the Prop 8 thing is, those rights are good in states that have legal marriage.

    But DOMA went down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ((I spent the morning crying. And then wrote a post.) 🙂

  2. It’s a start- I’ll take it!!! 🙂

    How crazy that we all had to hold our breath- in the hopes that deliberate discrimination would be called for what it is- unconstitutional & “just plain wrong”.

    I’m very happy right now!

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