there are a couple of things i have been thinking about lately. one, a little selfish and narcissistic, and the other, much more loving and outside of myself. let’s get the narcissism out of the way first.
i’m pondering what’s happening with my blog. the comments and likes have seemed to drop off so far in 2014. and when that happens, i begin to question what i’m doing and writing. am i doing something wrong? am i boring? or is this normal? i also end up getting “tagging anxiety” after i write every post. can nobody find my blog because i am a sucky tagger? what about you all? does this happen on your blog – have you ever experienced a lull in comments and likes? and do you freak out about it – and begin to question yourself? clearly, i’m not handling myself well.
you know, my readership/views are generally the same (= good), it’s just that i’ve got no interaction going on right now. and i really miss that.
which leads me to the second thing I’ve been thinking about…
yesterday, i ran across a new-to-me blog that had an interesting link in her top menu. it was called “random kindness blog tour”. intrigued, i clicked on it. and, lo and behold, as i read the post (read it for yourself here), i became more and more a fan of what the author was proposing.
at the beginning of 2014, the author committed to discover & read one new blog per day throughout the whole year. and then to comment on it and add it to her ongoing list of blogs. but, these blogs aren’t just any blogs. the author, meg, has chosen to only include blogs that are positive and uplifting. so, in a sense, she is paying forward the effort of all the authors of all the blogs she discovers who are trying to create positivity and inspiration on their blogs. and by doing this, meg, is not only finding new people who inspire her, but linking all kinds of people and all kinds of blogs. it was such an awesome idea, i thought.
meg also talks some about our fast-paced nature and how it shows up even on the internet. how we don’t take the time to leave comments to others, but instead quickly skim blog posts and then move on. we may be inspired by someone’s words or photos, but we often just move on to the next thing, without thanking the author for touching something in us. sometimes we even feel stressed because we are “behind” in in our reading.
when did blogging and reading blogs become a chore? this is not at all what i intended when i created belovelive. i only wanted to share my everyday life and find others that inspire me and are willing to let me sneak in on their lives just a little. the relationships that formed through blogging were an unexpected gift – like a cherry on top. as a fairly well-established blogger(read: been doing it for a while, not that i am doing it right), i realize that any relationships i have formed have been because of a willingness to leave comments and engage other bloggers in conversation. but, i too, have fallen into letting blogging, and more often, blog reading, become a stressor – something that i just need to get done.
but, all that ends today. right now. with this post.
today, i reclaim blog reading as a joy and as a place to interact and connect with people from all over the world. i reclaim it as an inspirational, spiritual act that i have the privilege of adding to my day. basically, all i am doing is resetting my attitude.
but, more importantly, in honor of the amazing blogging world and all that it has given to me throughout the past 3 years, i commit to paying it forward. i plan to take one day each week to focus on new blogs that i discover. i am taking a page from meg’s book and letting myself peruse the blogosphere, soaking up the beauty that i find in new blogs and enjoying the wisdom and inspiration in the ones i have faithfully followed for years.
here’s what i’m going to do:
- i pledge to visit a new blog every day
- i pledge to leave a positive comment on each new blog i discover.
- i also pledge to highlight one blog a week on my blog, either through a post that i write or through a guest blogger.
- finally, i pledge to create a “random kindness blog tour” page on my blog to highlight the new blogs that i encounter & comment on. hopefully, all of you readers will then have a list of new blogs that you may want to visit. hence, spreading the love.
i want to connect us to each other. i want to support you and all of those other blogs out there. i want to, like meg, lift up people who are writing and photographing and sharing posts that encourage, empower, challenge, and uplift. god knows we have enough difficulty and depressing things in our lives. and, as a response to the darkness, i hope to shed a little light and a little joy.
little did i know, as i read meg’s post yesterday, knowing that i would find a way to incorporate her idea into something on belovelive, that my blog would show up on her list. that’s right, on february 5, meg visited this blog, belovelive, and included it in her blog tour, labeling me a positive blog. what a surprise. and what an incredible honor!
it’s only right that i share that love and acknowledgment with others now. and i can’t wait to get started! let the fun (and love) begin!
now, what was that narcissistic thing i was worried about at the beginning of my post? you know, it’s not about how much i receive. rather, it’s all about how much i give. and i can’t wait to share so much good stuff with all of you!
That’s a very cool idea! I’m glad you got over your “hump,” so to speak. I definitely know what you mean about catching up on blogs feeling like a chore sometimes. I get that feeling sometimes when I’m swamped with school stuff.
It is interesting how easy it is to forgo interaction online, even in these formats where interaction is kind of the point. We get so used to just reading/consuming and don’t bother to take the time to comment. It’s a shame.
Well, I got over it because of people like you reading posts like this where I process my thoughts.
Thank you!
Good idea. I have to admit I mostly feel bogged down by the huge amount of time it takes me to get through my reader. I’ve never done a lot of commenting but now that you mention it I think I’ve faded recently — just blasting through the reading as fast as I can…
Exactly. I feel bogged down when I’m reading, like it’s something I have to do. I think that I get overwhelmed by the sheer number of blogs in my reader. So, in an effort to simplify, I’m going to go through and delete blogs that I generally just scroll past without givng them a second look. It feels lime it’s time for me to be a more honest blogger, of that makes sense. Thanks for stopping to share! Peace and love to you. xx
Yes — I have to occasionally delete some too. I’m also learning that if I feel pressed I can just scroll through for the 15 or 20 blogs I really love and skip everybody else unless I have lots of time (and maybe something else i’m putting off doing?? :>)
Hi Liz,
That is such a great pledge. I have found that I am reading your blog more now that I have it being sent to my email as now it’s become a nice surprise when it comes through! I can understand where you are coming through regarding wondering if your blog is interesting and still being read, I have been tossing around the idea of starting a blog for a while, but wonder whether I would be interesting to others or not! Keep going with your blog I am enjoying reading about your everyday life. Xx
Oh, Dayna, what a great comment to read! Thank you for subscribing to my blog. There is absolutely nothing better to hear than to hear that you feel like it’s a nice surprise when you get a new post in your inbox!
If you are considering starting one, then my advice is to most definitely to do it! Though I have these moments of wondering if my blog makes any difference, it is ultimately something that I do for me – I cannot NOT do it, if you know what I mean. When I started 3 years ago, it was just all about my life. Actually interacting with other bloggers on their blogs is what helped to bump my readership and spread my blog out there. It is only recently that i have begun to think of my blog as my job – and a way to communicate to others. I would be so excited and interested to read any blog that you decide to begin! So, keep me posted.
And, thank you again, for reading!
Beautifully said. I recently returned to my original blog because it felt like home. I’m posting away like crazy again already. There’s just something about blogging it all out. Love your idea.
Blogging it all out is definitely what it’s all about. I love it too! So glad you’re back to your home blog. I am so ready to read.
Two very well made points here; and all I understand / or have felt in the past at least. At one point I found my reading a chore almost, I had oversubscribed myself, and I’ve always been a commenter, so it makes it take time. When I dropped off the WP world for a while, when I came back, I completely cut back my reader list to just a literal handful (I now wish I had more blogs to read!) However, my little reason for less commenting, is because I often read on my CRAPPY phone and that doesn’t actually process the comment (often long – you know me!) and deletes it!!! I am due a phone upgrade, and with that I cannot wait to be able to comment / get involved more!
Your blog will always be my go-to uplift and inspiration. My writing is pretty ceased, but I love the WP world, but have limited mojo to make my blog a more loved space again…
Anyway, I look forward to your blog suggestions! Keep up the good work on you own blog, personally, I feel it only ever gets better and forward!
Oh, dear Holly, before I say anything else, let me just thank you from the bottom of my heart for being such a faithful blogging friend to me through the past 3 years. You have been so committed to leaving comments, supporting me, challenging me, offering advice and tips, and just sharing bits of your life with me through blogging. I am so very grateful for you! And I am dying for us to be “real-life” friends!
Oversubscribing is the worst feeling. Time for me to pare down. I would never, ever think go you as a less-commenter on my blog. You are so active with leaving comments and I am so thankful for that! But, the whole phone thing, I totally get – even with my iPhone i find it annoying to comment on blogs.
I am completely touched by you mentioning that this little space is your go-to inspiration space. Wow! I’ll not be changing anything… I only have these crazy, self-freaked out moments. xx
Great idea, I read your blog regularly and don’t comment, but I keep coming back and back as the quality and topics you write about draw me in. Part of that is because you blog so regularly I know I will have something to different to read each time I pop in. I also love finding other new (to me) blogs, so am looking forward to your new blogging adventures.
Thank you so much for your comment, Leanne. You are so kind and sweet! And I am so grateful that you enjoy reading my blog. I do post quite often, and I’ve often wondered what/how people feel about it, so it’s good to hear some feedback from you. Thank you!
Hi Liz,
I started following your blog last week but haven’t left a comment till now. (Sorry about that) I recently started a blog (so I’m new). Since then I have been overwhelmed by the number of wonderful blogs and people that I’ve been discovering (including yourself). I guess I’ve been on a blog tour of my own (it’s very addicting). Anyway, I love your idea of connecting all these positive people through a random kindness blog tour. Can’t wait to see what develops. Peace and love back at ya, Lorlinda
Hi Lorlinda! Thank you so much for leaving a comment, but more importantly, for just stopping by to read. I am completely honored! xx