there’s nothing like being spoiled when you’re 38.

i love birthdays! and guess what, it’s my birthday today. yep. i turned 38 and it feels wonderful. on top of the sheer joy of being alive (i truly feel that way) and being excited to be the age that i am (everything just gets better with time), it has been an incredible day. my amazing love has gone over the top planning & preparing this day, making it so meaningful and amazing. from the moment i opened my eyes this morning, to how i spent my evening, there have been surprises, laughter, good company, and tons of fun.

to anyone who has been a part of my day, whether i spent time with you or whether you simply wrote me a greeting, i am completely grateful. and, more than anything, i am so thankful for my love. for the way that she knows me, how she pours her heart out for me, and makes me feel like the most important person in the world. i am so very thankful that i am blessed to share my life with her… my love, my soulmate, my best friend, my everything. i love you, baby. thank you for today!

breakfast in bed & presents to start the day. woo hop!
a perfectly gorgeous, cold, & sunny morning. now, that’s what i’m talkin’ about.
awesome orange polka-dotted camera strap!
cool backpack. typical swedish. and something i’ve wanted for a long time. jackpot!
freaking cool pen set. rainbow colors. love them all. i also got a moleskin journal. me like.
all ready for my day. say cheese.
met a friend (and my love) for fika in an amazingly cozy place.
after dinner at home, friends showed up for a little birthday cake & then a trip to the neighborhood pub. all of which i had no idea about! and it was freaking awesome! i looove surprises.

what a fantastic 38th birthday it has been! this is the best kind of monday possible. hope your’s has been good too! now, on to the next year… what will it bring?! can’t wait to find out. i’m feeling good vibes. 38 feels really great!

birthday wishes for peace & love for you all.

0 thoughts on “there’s nothing like being spoiled when you’re 38.

  1. Happy 38th Liz! Looks like a great day was had by all…Enjoy the next decade because it is truly the best time- really is. You & Lina = two, lucky ladies!

    Tracy ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. thank you!! it’s so cool that you say the next decade is even better. i love that! i’ve been telling everyone to just wait until their 30s because it so awesome. but, i believe you, and i imagine that it’ll only get even better. thanks for the tip! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Wow! What a cool day! I had those exact same rainbow color pens when I was in German school! They last forever and are really cool for journal writing – me envy you!

    I love the hanging pants pic!

    1. i’m so excited about the pens. i love them already! yes, it was a super great day! and i feel really, really blessed. ๐Ÿ™‚

      yep. the pants. love them. at christmas, they put up santa clothes. hehe.

  3. Belated b’day wishes, Liz! I can’t believe that you are 38 years old since the way you looks like can be comparable with a TEENAGER of my age. LOL. I liked the profound EYES you own, wise lady. Have a great Sunday ahead. Cheers.m/ ๐Ÿ™‚


      1. Hahahahah! What I told ya is a fact in all respects, Liz. ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ™‚
        Have a good time ahead. Cheers.m/ ๐Ÿ™‚


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