9 | The week that was my return to work

Finally I am squeezing in some time to document + write about last week. But, I guess that the lateness of this post is to be expected since it was my first week back to work after an 8 month, unintentional, but much-needed, and deeply insightful sabbatical. More about that in another post, I think. For now, since my life has sped up a bit + I have places to be 5 days out of the week, and I have to get used to the work grind again, I just want to share a few photos + thoughts from last week – even if it is already the middle of this week.

Not only was last week my first week of work, but there was a new moon, we moved into March, which means we are nearing the end of the season of Imbolc, and the liturgical season of Lent has begun (the 40 days of inward reflection before Easter). Lina + I are still processing the week before (read about it right here). And, I am trying to balance all of that with taking in all of the newness around me at my new world.

So far, things feel really good at work. Though, that feeling of having no clue as to what is going on can be a bit frustrating at times. But, I realize that I am old enough (wise enough) now, so I give myself the time + space to explore, learn, ask, and settle into it all. No need to feel bad or extra stress that I need to know everything all at once. It’s also super nice that I have so few colleagues – we are a small group of 8-9, so there really is this team feeling. And very laid-back, even in the midst of the stress + chaos that sometimes follow the work that we do.

All that to say, I am settling in quite well. And even more so this week, of course. Lina + I are finding a bit more balance, feeling a tad more removed from the trauma of the week before, which is nice. I am finding space + time to meditate in the mornings, giving me a sense of sinking into this season just as I would like to, and I am starting to feel the energy of spring more + more.







Now that I’ve shared all of that + processed a little of my first week of work, the war in Ukraine still weighs heavy on my heart + I find myself questioning how much I need to do to prepare for any crisis here in Sweden. Plus, I am still thinking about my family constantly. I’ve had a lot of extra contact with them lately (I always have daily contact with my mom) and things just don’t seem to be settling down for them, and I want them to feel settled, safe, and at peace. I worry all the time.

But, such is life. I’ve thought so much about it all since we lost/needed to end our pregnancy last year – how the complete fullness of life carries both war + peace, grief + love, light + dark. I suppose that’s why I move with the rhythms + seasons of the year… they remind me that life is cyclical + in constant transition. Like the moon, we move through phases of waxing + waning. Like the seasons, we surrender + release, but we are also reborn + thrive. For me, there is comfort in these rhythms + cycles. And, with each passing day, I try to find ways to understand the waxing + waning seasons of my own life. As I drop into this natural rhythm, I discover that I am more present in the moment than I have ever been. And that brings me a sense of calm hope in every situation.

Here’s to new challenges, new work, new opportunities, and new experiences for us all. Here’s to staying open + soft + flowing with the mysterious unfolding of life.

xoxo. liz.

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