And just like that… two weeks have gone by. Honestly, so much has changed during these two weeks – both big + small things. Mostly, though, just everyday things. Still… it has flown by + feels like it’s been forever all at the same time.
One of the best things is that there are so many signs of the changing of the seasons right now. Birds chirping, tiny tiny tiny buds om some plants, a few late winter flowers popping up. But, the most powerful + welcome sign for me right now, though, is the return of the sun. And, for the first time last week, she rose and radiated her warm, bright rays directly on my balcony – a sure sign that the light half of the year is upon us. And I could not be more excited!
It feels actually quite appropriate that, ev though I started this post last weekend + never got to finish it, I am finally wrapping it up on Sunday, March 20th – the first official calendar day of spring and the beginning of a new astrological year! Hello, Aries season. So, I suppose that on this day of the spring equinox, it is appropriate to say my final farewell to winter during these last two weeks. Nature is shifting, the energy is rising, and I am more happy to celebrate the coming of spring than I have been in a very long time.
Monday the 7th : And just like that… it’s the return of the sun

But, before I go through the rest of the how the past two weeks were – sunshine + spring vibes + all, let’s just take a moment to really acknowledge that I am just now making time/finding time to share about these last two weeks.
Clearly, this is starting to be a problem now. I know myself, and I know that when I work full-time, I am exhausted in the evenings. So, blogging is just not a priority for me then – even if my soul wants to blog. Weekends have been my savior in previous years, mostly Sunday mornings, for getting a post done. But, I find myself now wanting to be in the moment even more. To not take time away from enjoying the bliss of slow weekend days of relaxing adventures with my love. Oh, and nighttime is just never a good time for me to blog or write. I am not even close to being a night person. So, I have a dilemma and I have no idea how to solve it.
All that to say, be patient with me. Keep checking back here. Better yet, subscribe so you get my posts whenever they do get posted. In the meantime, I will try to figure out a better system that works for my life now. And it may just be that since the sun rises so damn early and sets so much later from now until September, I’ll carve out some quiet early dawn moments or scrape up some energy in the evenings for writing + reflecting + sharing.
Ok. Back to the past two weeks…
Tuesday: International Women’s Day

Wednesday: A little roadtrip

Thursday: Bookmarking the day with cozy moments

Friday: More sun!

Weekend: Lina’s brother came to town + we celebrated – a lot

And just like that, week 10 was over along with my first full week of work + a definite feeling of the changing of the seasons. So, now, onto this past week… week 11!
Monday the 14th: more morning sun!

Tuesday: And just like that… the fog rolled in

Wednesday: And decided to hang around

Thursday: the day i drove the work car for my first student visit + drinks with friends

Friday: the sun finally returned just in time for the weekend

Weekend: feeling relaxed + inspired to freshen up the loft for spring

And just like that… two weeks have passed. Spring has arrived with it’s crazy, shifty weather, work is going full-force, and energy levels, social plans, and a little spring nesting at home is at an inspiring high.
The coming week is shaping up to be busy and intense, but the sunny weather (fingers crossed!) and the ever brightening days of the north will provide the energy and inspiration to take it one day at a time and soak up whatever comes our way.
Again, sorry for the delayed post, but that’s life – and, just so you know, I’m giving myself time to adjust and find what is going to work for me. Somehow, though, the weekly posts will continue. That is a promise to myself.
How have you been, dear ones? Have you felt the shifting seasons – from winter to spring or summer to autumn? The world is so topsy turvy, worrisome, and dark + tragic right now, I know. I deeply hope that you can connect with nature in one way or another and trust in the continuous rhythms of the earth and that somehow, in a mysterious unfolding way that we cannot really explain, all is working together and moving towards balancing, aligning, cosmic truth that brings meaning + purpose to every phase of life.
Love to you all. xoxo. liz.
Congrats on your new job! Its been topsy turvy here as well. My work situation hasn’t been good so I was just able to move to a new team with a start date of Monday which brings amazing relief and excitement. Charlie’s dad hasn’t been well. Spring has sprung here and we’re looking forward to the pollen being gone! Miss you two!
Thanks! The new job is really going well. I hope that things have started off well for you with your new team. So sorry to hear about Charlie’s dad. My dad is getting much older as the months pass… things are really changing it feels like. I’m trying to wish spring here, but it’s not quite time for it yet. Hopefully May will save us! Miss y’all so much! Sending love and hugs to you both. xx