i think the universe is speaking to me.
something is happening in my little family. it’s crazy. i don’t know if i should call it destiny, providence, serendipity, or things that are just meant to be… but, i can tell you that i have experienced this before and i believe that i am experiencing it again. it’s a feeling when everything seems to be connecting. everything seems to be flowing. it feels as if the universe is just giving & giving & giving to me (and my love) right now, and i’m overwhelmed with happiness & excitement.
it’s not like a tap on the shoulder, but more like the universe screaming at me/us…
it’s time. follow you heart. listen to your soul. let all that you desire, all that is truly you, come to you.
lately, things have been happening, dreams have begun to be realized, and opportunities to use the passions that my love & i have are raining down on us. from nowhere. everything’s just falling into our laps.
- i got that photography gig a few weeks ago.
- one of my pictures from the gig showed up in the newspaper!
- one of my pictures from the gig is gonna be printed next week in another newspaper. yes!
- a person from the newspaper is going to be contacting me about doing a little freelance writing & photography work of my own. (seriously!)
my creativity is flowing like crazy. my soul feels like it is on fire. these things just keep happening. and at the same time, my love is getting signs and messages from the universe as well… she is planning to play/sing/create more during the fall (read more about that here), and opportunities are just falling into her lap too. and all of this is happening at a time when we are in the middle of some tough times that have meant drastic changes to our life. but, once thing is certain, in the midst of all of the tough times over the past 4 months, i have gained a more concrete understanding of “seize the day”.
i am certain, i know it in my soul, that these things are happening for a reason. that the timing is perfect. as crazy as it may seem, i know that lina & i are being told, or are being reassured that following our soul, listening our hearts, and following our dreams is the path for us. i am certain that now is the time for us to know that we are called to be simply who we are, to do those things that fill us, that make us dance & sing. i am certain that we are being encouraged to live the life that we dream… full of art, music, adventure, travel, writing. a life that may not look like everyone else’s, but one that allows us to give back by just being us.
i know right now that the universe, that God, is calling us to go. to go into the unknown and to simply be. to follow our bliss, and wherever we are, we will be used, our lives can & will make a difference. now is not the time to settle for a good life… Â now is the time to let life give us more than we ever imagined was possible: freedom, peace, love. and with those gifts given to us, we can give all that freedom, love, & peace right back to the world.
i also know that life works this way. and sometimes, if you’re listening, you can feel that something is opening, that something is happening, that something is changing.
four years ago, when i decided to quit my job, sell/give away almost everything i owned, and move to denmark (without a new job or a place to live), i did it all without knowing what would happen. but, i did it because i knew it was me. i knew it was right. and i knew that the opportunity was now or never. i had learned that my life may not look like everyone else’s, that my dreams were big & that i believed in them, and that i must just trust that all will be well. come what may.
i spent that year, before i moved to denmark, learning to listen. and i made a vow to myself: to always stay in touch with my soul. i promised myself that no dream was too crazy or too big. i learned that living life & living life passionately were two very different ways of living, and i vowed to always passionately. to always follow my bliss.
today, i am living that dream that was in the making for 15 years. it didn’t turn out exactly how i pictured it as a 20 year old (i thought i’d be living in denmark, speaking danish. oh man, that’s a whole other story); but it turned out way better than i imagined. i am living in europe. married. blissfully happy & committed to sharing all of life with my love. using my theological education in my work. traveling. meeting new people from all over the world. and finding time to write & take pictures. yes, inspiration is all around me. i was just crazy enough to believe in my dream, and here i am.
but now, there are more dreams. more goals. i know myself even better than when i moved here 2 years ago, and i know even better my place in this world, my calling. … at least at this point in my life. for all of life is a journey; and i believe that we live in seasons, and that “there is nowhere you can be that isn’t where you’re meant to be” (thanks, john lennon).

today, i am certain that lina & i are being called to live the life we are meant to live. to take risks. to be adventurous. to fulfill our passions. the signs are all around us. the timing is right. and, whoever said it was right: if not now, when?Â
i am listening, universe. i hear you.
go out & grab life, my friends. take a risk. live your dream. be bold, courageous, & daring. but most of all, just be you.
dreams of peace for you all.
This is so fantastic. Keeping my fingers crossed for you to get that freelance job. It would be amazing. Also cannot wait to hear your gorgeous wife’s beautiful voice at the wedding! You’re both so talented!!
Thanks, my dear! I cannot wait to hear her either… And to see your beautiful face! Less than two weeks!
This is great news for you, Liz! Cheers to living your dreams… 🙂
A lot of things are happening on my side, too. I think this is a beautiful/ heart warming post 🙂 Congratulations, my friend 🙂
Keep receiving and keep following your heart.
I am so excited to hear your good news too! Doesn’t it feel great?! Thanks, my friend, for all of your support. xx
It’s always good to see when you are on the right path. To me, this was New York. Two years ago all pieces fell into piece. And I am still here. True, it’s harder. And I sometimes miss the moments of being at the place at the right time. Had more of those in the beginning. Such as when finding my first apartment after only one day of being here. Or having a tour through the New York Times. But eventually I’ll get there, I am confident.
It’s faith you need to have in yourself and I truly believe you are right there. Your blog is attracting so many positive vibes because it is emitting so much happiness!
“it is emitting so much happiness” – well said!
This post is wonderful and filled me with hope! So great that things are falling into place for you two and what a gift to be able to do what you love! Sounds like you have earned it with your hard work and positive focus!
It has been a long journey, and I can’t even imagine what the future holds in store for me. What will I write in 2 years? Exciting! Thanks for reading!
Laura, you are so kind to say that. Wow. I’m touched. Keep on your path & keep living your dream! 🙂
thank you, I am giving it my best try!