if you know me, in real life or in the blog world, then you know that most days i am seeking the calm, peaceful, and meditative vibes in life. and that’s just fine & dandy. it’s a beautiful thing. it’s me.
but, i’m not just a one-sided person. i’m not all norah jones and candles and such.
nope. some days i just wanna kick ass. not in a bad way, but in a take everything by the horns, nothing’s gonna get me down kind of way. there are some days where i just know that i will make it through and “beat the hell out of anything blocking my way”, as my fellow blogger over at exploring maybeland puts it. in other words, nothing will stop me from following my dreams. all the peace & harmony i seek serves to give me the strength to persevere and to never give up. who knew that peace teaches you to kick ass? but, you know, if it’s something that comes from my soul,something that i know is a battle worth fighting for – for another person or for me – then nothing will stand in my way. i will not give up.
peace is not something that is passive and cute. peace is a the result of a hard-fought battle to be true to myself, the courage to experience life & all that comes with it, and to still feel strong, grounded, and calm. peace does not mean that everybody in my life (or the world) gets along & agrees, or that i feel all blissfully happy & warm inside. hell no. peace comes at a cost, it involves being willing to do battle with myself. daily. to listen to what my soul is telling me is true & right, and to take a stand for myself & for the well-being of others.
all that to say, it’s a kick ass kinda day. so, get out there and fight for your peace.
sending you strong, courageous vibes of peace.
You go girl. Go to the mattresses
Go to the matresses… I love it! The Godfather (and You’ve Got Mail!)!
Yep I know it from the second one.
As usual, insightful and struck a chord. I liked your point on peace being ‘the result of a hard-fought battle to be true to myself, the courage to experience life & all that comes with it, and to still feel strong, grounded, and calm’ and that peace is not passive. Keep up the good work! I’ll keep reading!
Thanks for being a reader… and for your sweet comment! It truly touches me to have your feedback! Hope your travels are going well!