
a lonely, old boathouse in the swedish archipelago at a camp where i worked/vacationed.

i read something the other day from paul coelho and was touched, which usually happens when i read anything he’s written.

i, who enjoy mixing it up with friends, also crave moments of solitude. i realize the need for solitude in my life. i need it like i need a cup of coffee every morning.

there is a strong desire within me to turn inward and simply be… just for a moment. to let all things external slip away. to find and listen to my true soul. to feel the divine energy pulsing within me. to feel all of the warmth, light, and positive energy that lives within. it is the source of my life.

from this quiet, central place comes my focus, my purpose, my understanding that i belong here on this earth, that i have something to give, and someone to be. not for myself, but for the good of the world. you see, i believe that turning inward is not a selfish task. and, silence & solitude, while they may be difficult, are not the enemy. they are, in fact, the journey. the foundation. the connection. the inspiration of how to live life. amazingly & sometimes surprisingly, turning inward gives me my most powerful connections with humanity. there are moments that i feel swept away and swept up into the lives of others –  those i know and even those who i have never met. yes, moments of solitude sometimes seem mysterious & other worldly; but other times, they are just quiet moments – where my brain never really shuts off all of its chatter. but, nevertheless, they point to, reveal, and inspire my soul to know some form of truth, within both the mysterious & the ordinary.

so, i always yearn to retreat to the wilderness, or gaze out over the wide open sea, or sit on the floor, hands clasped trying to keep my breath my only focus. i long for those moments. but i only long for them so that they may energize me with revelations, understanding, peace, and love so that i might live life to the fullest.

For those who are not frightened by the solitude that reveals all mysteries, everything will have a different taste.

In solitude, they will discover the love that might otherwise arrive unnoticed. In solitude, they will understand and respect the love that left them.

In solitude, they will be able to decide whether it is worth asking that lost love to come back or if they should simply let it go and set off along a new path.

In solitude, they will learn that saying ‘No’ does not always show a lack of generosity and that saying ‘Yes’ is not always a virtue.

And those who are alone at this moment, need never be frightened by the words of the devil: ‘You’re wasting your time.’
Or by the chief demon’s even more potent words: ‘No one cares about you.’

The Divine Energy is listening to us when we speak to other people, but also when we are still and silent and able to accept solitude as a blessing.

And in that moment, Its light illumines everything around us and helps us to see that we are necessary, and that our presence on Earth makes a huge difference to Its work. ~ Paul Coelho

my moment of solitude at the boathouse.

may you find peace in your quiet moments. namaste & shalom.

0 thoughts on “solitude.

  1. love the post…but what is up with those shoes?

    Made me stop and think for a moment. How ofter do we look into our selves and enjoy solitude? How often do we turn everything off and just let ourselves be?

    1. haha!! what you can’t tell by the picture is that they are rubber boots. 🙂 and when one wears rubber boots, at least in my book, one must have the funnest, cutest, coolest boots one can have in order to balance out the fact that you are wearing rubber boots because the weather is rainy & dreary.


      thanks for the comment! much love. xo

  2. this is a very beautiful post. I too find my meaning, purpose and centeredness alone in nature. Its what refuels me for a busy life with lots of people around and obligations to attend to.

    1. exactly. i can tell you understand exactly what i meant. 🙂 thank you for your sweet comment!

  3. Brautifully said. I know when I’ve been too busy, surrounded by people for too long, I start to lose bits of myself. I get them back by taking moments alone and remembering who I am.

  4. “you see, i believe that turning inward is not a selfish task. and, silence & solitude, while they may be difficult, are not the enemy. they are, in fact, the journey. the foundation. the connection. the inspiration of how to live life. amazingly & sometimes surprisingly, turning inward gives me my most powerful connections with humanity.”

    This is one of the most beautiful and true things that I have read in a very long time. I have such a gift. Good and healing thoughts to you.


  5. I love Paulo Coelho and his writings, too! He has a way of seeing everything so clearly and making you feel better once you read his books or quotes!

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