who’s doing it? who’s out there snapping some photos of your journey in march?!
it’s been a tough week of photos. a little depressing, i’d say. but that was my intention. not to depress you and me, but to make us aware. it was my intention to be honest about life… and let’s face it, life ain’t all that great sometimes. can i get an amen? but, since there is so much symbolically going on with nature this month, and since this is the time of year that christians also celebrate the journey of lent, i thought, “why not?”. why not make a photo challenge centered on a theme about journey? why not take a few moments each day and think about how the journey seems bleak, long, dark, and lonely at times before it gets easier, better, and lighter?
so, the first 15 days of march are a little more focused on the challenges of journeys. we allow ourselves time in the beginning of march to be aware of and dwell in the tough stuff. we admit that it’s ok that everything is not ok. and we keep plugging on. i have to be honest with you, focusing on these tough words is actually getting to me. it is bringing me down a bit… but only to the affect that i am embracing the tough stuff in life. i am not excited about it, but i know that take a good, long, hard, honest look at my life only gives me a chance to grow even more. i need this time to turn inward a bit. to be a bit gray and melancholy. not that i’m walking around depressed, or that anyone could even tell. but, inside, for a least a few moments of each day, i am just thinking. just being. letting myself fell what i feel… and knowing that the light is returning. every day we are getting closer.
with all that said, here come my first week’s pictures!

so, who of you out there is taking part in the photo challenge? what are you seeing on your journey this march? paste a link to your blog or your instagram name in a comment below so we can all keep up with/get to know each other. it’s super fun! and i have to say… the blogging and instagramming communities are truly amazing. so,join in, if you’re not already a part of either!
now, it’s friday night (woo hoo!) and it’s time for a cozy evening with my love. i think it’s been a month since i’ve been home on a friday night, so i’m gonna soak it up tonight. first, we gonna make tacos, then drink a little wine, and perhaps watch a movie. hope you have a great weekend.
I needed to read this. Found out this week that I did not get the job I wanted.. don’t have a lot of money and have been on square one for too long now.. i could look at it as regret and failure or as a rocky part of my journey. Peace, Liz xxx love your words.
i am so sorry to hear that you did not get the job. it’s really really hard when something we want falls through. but, my experience teaches me, and i completely believe, that it means that there is something better out there waiting for us. something we can’t even imagine.
and you are so right, every step forward and every slip back and every stumble down is part of our journey.
thanks for your comment. i am so glad the timing was perfect for you. xoxo