yep. it’s monday, huh? how’s yours going?
if you live on the east coast of the united states, i hope that you have all you need and are safe as hurricane sandy pushes herself upon you. geez. she is a huge & scary storm, threatening some pretty serious disasters over a large area.
not much is happening here in sweden. it’s just cold & gray. oh, and dark.
well, we did have one of lina’s friend’s come & visit us for lunch, and that was really great. it was a friend i had never met before, so it was cool to finally put a face to the name. she as really sweet, and hopefully we’ll be able to go visit her next year in the northern part of sweden… i am dying to go there!! my love went to a university up north, and i’d love to see where that part of her life took place.
i feel like i almost know the area because she lived there during the time that we were getting to know each other & falling in love. only we didn’t know we were falling in love. hehe. i spent hours & hours talking with her on Skype, every day, when she was living up there. so, i have this nostalgic connection to that place, even though i’ve never been there. know what i mean?
anyway, i have met most of my love’s college friends from that time. in fact, we all get together fairly often. but, this one friend i had not met. my love actually didn’t study with her, but met her because of some mutual activities. anyway, this chick has heard of me, too. so it was really great for us to meet each other face to face, after hearing about each other for the past 5 years.
this afternoon, our restlessness set in again, and lina & i found ourselves feeling bored and tired again. like last night. it’s gotta be the full moon and the changing to winter time that is messing with my head for the past 2 days. i feel so off balance. suddenly, in the midst of all of my confused boredom, lina said she was going to bake an apple pie. that how things roll in sweden. people just up & decide to bake something – from scratch – and then do it. so, i had fresh apple pie for my afternoon snack. mmmmm….
after that, i felt better. i felt calm, and even a bit inspired. so i snapped a few shots in our apartment of our little halloween decorations…
tonight, we had a little halloween movie night with our friend, g. just a little tease before i break out the big guns on wednesday. (my wife doesn’t know it, but we’re gonna have a cozy, freaky, scary halloween night together.) have i ever mentioned how much i loooove scary movies? well, I do.
so, aside from getting into the halloween spirit, obsessively watching the weather in the states, fighting my restless tendencies, and meeting new/old friends, that’s my monday in a nutshell. as for tuesday, I really hope to get some writing done… i gotta post the next part of my story. and then there’ s a photo tips post, and a november post, a post about a girl & her book, some music inspiration, something spooky for halloween, a countdown, a post about siblings, and so much more. i could, in theory, spend all day writing… which topic sounds the best to you?!
we’ll see what happens! gosh i hope all my weirdness & unsettled ness go away soon. i miss feeling like myself. perhaps I should try more yoga, or meditation. i am definitely missing some spiritual connection these days… halloween & all hallow’s eve/all saints day should do the trick. i promise myself to sit in silence for at least 15 minutes when i get up in the morning… i’ll let you know how that goes.
for now, g’night! peace.
Mmmh do a headstand. That should earth you nicely
omg. it’s been forever since i tried that. maybe i’ll give it a whirl.