wednesday wisdom: inspiration from a bread baking buddhist monk.

a few weeks ago, i was asked by the newspaper to go and visit a bakery that specializes in gluten free products, and then write an article about it. ok. very, very cool. my first “on assignment” job! but, the super cool thing was that the bakery was run by a by a woman who was a christian minister, and now is a practicing buddhist monk. it gets even cooler: the bakers are former homeless & at-risk teenagers. for real.

so, let me see:

one female buddhist monk + a group of homeless/at-risk teens + a bakery = a recipe for an amazing, inspirational afternoon.

i am dying to tell you about this amazing woman, who singlehandedly decided that she simply had to do something to respond to the needs of the community. she created an emergency shelter, a life skills program, and gave these teens a home & a purpose for being.

she and i sat and talked for i don’t know how long on the day i visited. and we could have stayed all day, just chatting. connecting on a deeply spiritual level. it was clear that we were kindred spirits who understood each other, in our search for truth and love.

i will never forget her. her words during our conversation may fade, but her face is etched in my memory. those eyes. those cheeks. the love and joy that radiated from her. this was a woman, who still had struggles, still faced everyday life, but did it all with an abiding peace. she just glowed.

so, i have no words of wisdom for you today, only a photo i took of her. but, that photo is filled with wisdom. let her speak to your heart.


peace and joy to you all.

click here to read my article in the newspaper.

0 thoughts on “wednesday wisdom: inspiration from a bread baking buddhist monk.

  1. I don’t think this was the Fika article you published, was it? Where can we find your article or has it no come out yet?

    1. No. This is not a fika article. I’ve done 2 fika articles which have been published. Go to and type in Fika Files in search box. Or you can click on the link in this post and do the same! 🙂

      1. whoops, had a hard time finding that link beneath your picture! Lovely article! I want a chocolate chip cookie now!

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