this time last week, i met my love at the train station in uppsala and we boarded a train bound for norrköping – where lina’s parents live + where all of our stuff from the states was shipped! that’s right, we were on our way to pick up our american stuff and bring it back to uppsala, where we have already been living for five weeks… and move into our new apartment!
lucky us, we had gotten the keys to our new (permanent, for a year) apartment a whole week early! so, no more empty temporary apartment living! i mean, we are super grateful for having the chance to live there, but it never felt like home. of course, why would it? we only had it for 6 weeks. but, it was a place to lay our head and keep us warm. so we had so much more than many people in the world. however, after 2 months of total transition + upheaval, it was so great to know that we could create a home again.
so, we arrived in norrköping, did some errands and then went to lina’s parents’ home for the weekend. on saturday, we did more errands, like buying a piece of wood to use as our desk, a vacuum cleaner, a microwave, etc. we also had a great visit to to see lina’s grandma, and then landed at lina’s parents’ again for a cozy evening in front of the tv with popcorn. the popcorn had just finished popping, the tv was on, and a few candles were lit, when the lights went out. that’s right. blackout. we stayed up for an hour together, talking, looking at our phones, and eating popcorn and drinking wine. it was cozy, albeit cozy in a way we hadn’t planned. hehe.
morning came, the power was restored, and we were busy packing out boxes in a trailer and hopping in the car with lina’s parents’ to drive back to uppsala!! we were actually moving in now!
so, we unloaded everything, carried everything in, picked up zola at the other apartment, and went to IKEA for a few more necessary supplies. come evening, we were exhausted and hungry, so we ordered pizza from the pizzeria which is literally just outside our apartment building’s door. score! we ate and then pretty much went to bed, i think. i don’t really remember.
we woke on monday morning, barely able to walk, but with just enough energy to make coffee (of course!) and sip our first cup in our new kitchen, which was bathed in sunlight – as it is every single sunny morning. it’s just gorgeous! then, it was all about organizing, sorting, and unpacking, which we did all day – with lina also sitting at the desk, working from home.
come tuesday morning, we felt a little bit settled, and still a little bit completely overwhelmed – in a good way. but, we also felt oh so very grateful. grateful for our home. for each other. for everyone who has helped us – both of our sets of parents! people who took and bought our old things, my brother who let us stay at his place before moving, the apartment we lived in first here in uppsala. all of our friends + family all over the world who have been sending us texts, messages, good vibes, and thinking of us.
we are grateful for surviving, for our marriage, and for the opportunities, adventures, and simple moments of life that await us. now, it’s time to make this apartment our home. wishing you a great weekend, lovely ones!
Congrats on moving into your new place! I know how much work it is! It is sure sweet to open boxes of precious belongings that have been packed away for an extended period. Enjoy!
Yes, it sure was such a joy to pull out our things. And we are enjoying them to the max!
I´m so curiouse to come and see yor new place!! Still unbeliveble to have you so close. // Your invitation to come and visit us in april is still on!
You are so welcome to come and visit whenever you can! It would be so great to see you. Unfortunately, with the expenses of the move back to Sweden, we just can’t afford to come to Berlin during Easter.
Still, we are so close!!! And we will get together soon. You are really welcome here anytime! xoxo
Fun! Request — please add captions to your photos so we all know what we’re looking at. The photos are so good and it would be even better to know more about them. Happy new home!
Ok! Noted!
Hi Liz, you both must be feeling so much better! I hope you enjoy your new place, luv Dayna xx
You are completely right, Dayna. We feel tons better – finally settled and at home. And we love our place! Hope all is well with you too. xx