three years at home.


It’s December 26. Rain is falling outside my window. The christmas lights over the bed are lit. I’m sipping coffee & catching up on the morning happenings on GMA (Good Morning America). My love is sleeping beside me, all cozy under the covers.

She is the reason for this post this morning. My love, my everything, my heart & soul… the one who makes me laugh, who holds me tight, who listens & supports me, who inspires me, who completes me.

And today, she means even more to me than ever.

Three years ago, in snowy, beautiful Sweden, we got married and began our life together. I remember standing there, saying our vows in English & Swedish, looking at her beautiful face, declaring our love for each other, and knowing that I had found my home. Ironically, since we are from 2 different countries, love 2 different countries, and have lived in those same 2 different countries, I have found home with her. There is no need to really say where my home is, to choose which country is better than the other. No, home is wherever my love is. She is my home.

Today I celebrate and give thanks for this love, this amazing journey in life that I share with my wife. I am the luckiest girl in the world! Blessed beyond belief.




My baby, I would marry you over & over again. You are my everything.

0 thoughts on “three years at home.

  1. Let me be the first to say, “Congratulations” & I wish you both many happy years together.

    I know you know- it’s a rare thing to find another person who so suits you in this life…It’s wonderful to see, because it gives us all hope. Even a part-time pessimist like me. 😉

    Happy holidays & the best for 2013!!!

  2. Congratulations, you two! I’m so glad you’ve found each other and make each other so happy!

  3. So happy 4 u! May God continue to bless your life together as those of us who believe in your love celebrate you! Congrats!

  4. So happy for the two of you!! You two remind me of what I’m hoping to have one day with my love who lives far away…You are a beautiful inspiration to all who want the kind of love the two of you share….May you have MANY, MANY, MANY happy, growing and fulfilling years together!!

    1. I wish for you and your love a lifetime of togetherness one day. Thank you so much for your sweet comment!

  5. Congratulations! What a beautiful post. What a beautiful couple. — love shimmers in every photo. Many blessings.

  6. A belated “congratulations” to you guys. You know that December 26 is the second day of Christmas in Germany? How awesome that you decided to tie the know on that date!

    How soon after you met did you marry?

    1. thank you, laura! it is the second day of christmas (annandag jul) in sweden as well (where we got married), so it’s easy to remember. 🙂 we were married 2.5 years after we met. which reminds me, i gotta get back to writing my story…

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