what could be better than having a very lazy summer saturday morning in your new home, enjoying a yummy breakfast, blogging away, seeing the love of your life sitting beside you, having a cute kitty snuggled up at your feet, and “watching” reruns of beverly hills, 90210 on the tube in the background? seriously. pretty damn near perfect, right? or perhaps i’m just a lover of the simpler things in life… i hope i am. i strive to be that kind of person.
in any case, this weekend has gotten off to a fabulous start. and that’s following a pretty awesome week too. sometimes i feel like i’m just going to burst from being overwhelmed by my life.
at the same time, as i enjoy the moments here in asheville, i find myself thinking about those of you, my friends & family, back in sweden. i miss you. and i cherish all of the memories that i have… feeling excitement already about the time when we will see each other again.
but, since i’ve been up to so many different things this week here in the states, i thought i’d update y’all on what’s been going on. so, here we go!
monday: got my iphone back (after it took a little swim in the ocean last week). and went to a protest. you can read about that amazing experience here! and found out, thanks to @murderingtime on instagram (one of my original IG buddies), that my belovelive photo journey now has passed 2000 uploaded photos by people from all over the world! you can see them all here.

tuesday: we took care of our bonus-niece for the afternoon. love that girl! love her whole family!

wednesday: stayed home all day & took care of business = emails, applications, blogging. cozy, fun stuff. at least that’s how i feel about it.
thursday: drank lots of coffee. yes, i usually drink alot. but this day was an unusually large amount. hehe. met with a journalist/blogger at a downtown asheville cafe for a networking session. we discussed my blog, writing, what my niche is, and just got to know each other a bit. sent out more applications (mostly teaching gigs).
friday: well, it was a top-notch, amazing, one of my fave days back in asheville so far, kinda day! and i’ve got tons of photos to show you. ready?

saturday is well underway now, and i’ve enjoyed my morning and am ready to move on to a few errands and then perhaps another dip in the pool this afternoon. tough life, huh? but, in my defense, it’s still summer… and i have a few things/plans underway next week on the job front. wink wink. you’ll have to wait fro another blog post to hear about that.
until then, have a fantastic weekend. take some time to breathe/meditate/be/listen. and seek out ways to be aware and present in the moments that you are given.