one intensively awesome weekend.

friday. saturday. sunday. first weekend in december… check.

cooking. baking. snow. the theater. family visitors. friends. open house. thanksgiving. more snow. christmas market. church. work. advent. christmas market. thanksgiving again. candles. sunday night collapse on the bed.

an intensely wonderful holiday weekend. and now, some pics to share!

it doesn’t get much cozier than cooking & baking a thanksgiving dinner with snow falling down & christmas music ringing in my ears. perfect afternoon.
friday night at the theater. the addams family. it was amazing!
saturday morning & a quick run to the grocery store & the bakery for some last minute necessities. snow everywhere!
a visit from our bonus niece & lina’s bonus brother for lunch. so adorable & fun.
fresh baked bread, cheese, & coffee. so typical swedish.
the thanksgiving table is all set. almost dinner time!
our star in the window was the perfect backdrop for a cozy table setting. ( i give credit to my love. it was her idea).
bon appétit!
an international thanksgiving with amazing women. around the table we were: british, german, half swedish/half american, 2 americans, & 2 swedes. so cool.
sunday morning. the first sunday in advent! got my red tights on.
advent celebrations at church with tons of music. lina sang a little solo. i heart her voice.
after church, we headed out to a few christmas markets in town. we visited a fair trade market & supported the local lgbt organization. of course.
me + my love + christmas trees. love.
cozy & cooooold. but, the perfect weather for the season.
thanksgiving. part 2. lina’s parents came over for more yummy food.
exhausted. excited. tired. satisfied. and totally & completely thankful. we ended our weekend wrapped up in blankets, gazing at the christmas tree in the square outside our window.


yep. the first weekend of advent has come to a close. and i could not be any more excited that i already am about this time of year. hope you had a great weekend, that you are beginning to feel a little of the holiday spirit yourself, and most importantly, that you slow down some… even in the middle of all of the craziness & stress & fun.

wishing you a week of stars, lights, comfort & peace.

0 thoughts on “one intensively awesome weekend.

  1. I can absolutely feel your cozy-contentedness all the way over here, Liz- lol. Okay, starting from top left, what’s all the T’Day goodies? The baby is adorable, btw~ 🙂

    1. hehe. fantastic!
      ok. here goes: from the top left & clockwise… a tiny bowl of oranges, sweet potatoes in orange peels, salad, green bean casserole, stuffing, turkey loin medallions & stuffing, quorn (veggie sot “meat”). it was yuuuummy!

  2. What a fabulous gift to be able to walk through your weekend via your photos and words — and I took my photo yesterday, btw 🙂 me, my red dog walking coat and my pooch — I know, the red was a day late but I’m one day behind! 🙂

    1. thanks! photography is such an important part of my everyday life, actually. so glad you joined in the photo challenge! are you posting your pics anywhere? i’d love to see them! 🙂

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