a little work. a little play.

i just re-read the post i wrote before i left for my week of camp, and noticed that i was…

a tiny corner of heaven on earth.

happy sunday, all you out there! here in sweden, summer continues as it has been… rainy & gray.  of course,…

i found summer.

tuesday was warm, blindingly sunny, and i worked hard to soak up every minute. ironically the photo a day challenge…

summer solstice!

 palm trees in greece. last october we spent a week on the island of rhodes. happy first day of summer,…

morning. (noon. and night.)

morning. i woke up early this first morning of june because this cute little thingy jumped up next to my…

day 29: numbers.

i kept trying to think of something really creative for today’s photo challenge… numbers. but, nothing came to me. though,…

day 20: something i can’t live without.

well, with today being my love’s birthday, and the fact that she is the most important thing in my life,…

the last day of april & a challenge for may.

FINALLY!!! the weather has taken a turn for the better & there is an abundance of sunshine and semi-warm weather…

week 4: photo a day. april.

here we go. the last installment of april’s photo challenge. i seriously cannot believe that may begins on tuesday! 2012…

pink is not usually my favorite color.

but, today, i’m all about that girly, happy, soft color. just look at the weather we’re having on this first…

week 3: photo a day. april.

week three. done! and i’m still lovin’ this challenge. gives me something to look forward to each day – something…