I call them photo journeys for a reason. It’s more than just taking a photo of a random word for…
Category: be
Earth inspired spirituality for grounding down + getting centered.
contemplation and adventure. that’s how i roll.
computer in my lap. blanket covering my legs, with my toes peeking out (’cause my feet always get hot). a…
nesting day.
i’ve got nothing special planned today – which is always a good thing in my world. it’s really gray outside….
a little reminder from an old friend.
i opened up my facebook feed a few minutes ago, and saw an amazing status update by a person that…
i just needed to stop for a moment & take it all in.
it’s like the hands on the clock are just spinning around, and the days on the calendar are just being…
when you just know what you know.
sitting at a coffee shop right now, feeling completely blessed and inspired. i’ve got all these connections, vibes, and amazing…
never stop dreaming.
for all of us waiting for wishes to be granted. peace.
who i am & what i do.
“how can i accept a limited definable self, when i feel, in me, all possibilities?” -anaïs nin who i am…
namaste, my friends.
today i am open to the presence of miracles. today’s message from the universe (which arrived in my email this…
thoughts at midnight.
so, what’s your excuse? you got a dream? a wish? a journey? an adventure? a calling? then get moving, my…
oh, to be like the moon.
“The moon does not fight. It attacks no one. It does not worry. It does not try to crush others….
on the move again.
“We carried bottled water and day packs and cameras, except for Fred, who said he didn’t believe in taking photographs;…
if you visit belovelive fairly often, then you know i love doing photo journeys, and that i have created my…
balcony blogging at sunset.
i cannot decide what my favorite space is in our new home. i literally wander from room to room sitting…
there’ll be no goodbyes from me.
i don’t know how to say goodbye to sweden. but, it’s what i’ve been attempting to do for a few…
mixing midsummer & moving is crazy.
well, we’re one huge step closer to moving to the states. and we did it right smack dab in the…
land of the midnight sun.
happy midsummer! peace.
when what you have & where you are is enough.
“Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the…
observe all that is around you. soak it in. there may be a message for you.
today i had the privilege of sitting in on a massage session, and getting a little behind the scenes view/under…
be present. what a great idea.
i am reading the tao of inner peace by diane dreher. and right now, i’m in the middle of the…
call it karma. call it luck. call it whatever. i’m blown away.
hi dear readers! well, here i sit. in our stripped down, almost bare apartment with no tv. no living room…
who’s ready for a more simple life?
i wonder… do we have our priorities screwed up? are we living life like little rats? running a meaningless or…
it’s actually a never-ending journey.
well, today’s it. the last day of may. the end of the journey of self- discovery. and so the question…
i usually don’t like rules. but…
now get out there and grab your life by the horns! make it happen & live it up! and spread…
keepin’ it simple.
i know that i begin a lot of my posts by talking about the weather. but, weather seems to affect…
get in touch with your soul.
i saw part of an old episode of oprah the other day. she had a woman, a brain scientist, on…
how to know who you are & what you want.
shhhh…. just be. peace and love, dear friends.
“a mind is a terrible thing to waste.”
hi friends! can you believe that may is halfway over?! azy-cra! and now i’ve made it halfway through the may…
what’s your motto?
today’s for word belovelive’s may photo journey is “motto”. you know, a short statement summing up a person’s or a…
seek and you will find.
it’s friday, my loves, and i just wanted to share a little thought with you as you begin your weekend……
the way of the heart.
for the month of may, i decided that it would be fun to reflect a little on myself. who i…
my bedtime prayer.
“the meaning of life is to find your gift. the purpose of life is to give it away.” ~ pablo…
coming out… of hibernation.
it has taken me 4 or 5 off and on hours to write this. and i’m all over the place….
may’s photo journey: who am i?
it’s the last day of april and spring has sprung in the northern hemisphere. fall is on the way for…
acceptance and yoga.
i think i used to be someone who always seemed happy, who always was happy, because i ignored my feelings…
in case you were wondering.
whatever your questions. whatever your worries. whatever your situation. whatever your dreams. whatever your fears. whatever your joys. deep peace…
own your moments.
i spent some cozy time with my love this afternoon. during our time together, she played some music on her…
the spirit of the journey
i believe that i am a patient person in many ways. patient and accepting of others. but, when it comes…
this morning my love & i sipped coffee and talked about emptiness. about feeling empty inside. lost. unrest. we talked…
skulls and flowers for friday.
oh, my dear readers, this just might be the week from hell. on top of the whole “holy week” focus…
i believe there is a purpose.
i am not going into to much detail, but i want y’all to know that lina and i cancelled our…
my wish for you.
it’s all up to you. and i wish the very best for you… a life full of dreams and moments…
the next chapter from my memoir: 33 changed everything.
my husband closed the door behind him and i was standing in our, in my, home… alone. it was the…
when you start writing about one thing & it turns into something completely different. in other words, lack of sleep.
wednesday night and i’m beat. i just wanna crawl under the covers and sleep and sleep and sleep. without waking…
trying to balance it all out.
i’m a libra. not that i’m into astrology. but, i know what sign i am, and i’ve read a few…
ponder this, my friends.
get out there and live your life as you dream it. you and your dreams are beautiful. peace.